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Sociology Research


Liran completed his BA and MPhil in the University of Cambridge. His Masters thesis examined the impact of digital technologies on the practice of public diplomacy. For his PhD, Liran studies how Jewish civil society organizations mobilized to facilitate the integration of Jewish migrants in France and Britain during the post-war period. His PhD project combines historical organizational research with interviews and social network analysis, exploring integration as an inter-organizational process that involves the migrant and his/her ethnic community. This is consonant with Liran’s broader sociological interest in the sociology of integration, organizational theory, social network and social capital theory, and the study of ethnic minority groups.

Some of Liran’s professional experiences outside academia included directing a youth movement for social justice in France, a two-year stint in diplomacy in Austria (as a delegate in the United Nations), and a three-year tour of duty as an analyst in military intelligence.

Liran is a Cambridge Trust Scholar and is also funded by the Economic and Social research Council.

Research Interests

Liran's research focuses on the role of religious and ethnic community organizations in the integration of migrants from minority backgrounds. In his doctoral work, Liran examines the impact of Jewish community institutions – such as Jewish schools, synagogues, community centres and welfare organizations – in the integration of Sephardi Jewish immigrants in the UK and France between 1950-1980. Liran analyzes what kinds of resources were made available to Jewish immigrants by such institutions and what impact these had on immigrants’ socioeconomic mobility. Furthermore, he investigates the ways in which Jewish community organizations partnered with state institutions in the provision of social assistance to immigrant families.

More generally, Liran's research interests include migrant and ethnic minority integration, media theory, political economy, and social capital theory.



Paper0: Neglects of neoclassical economics (Economics Faculty)

Undergraduate course supervision:

SOC2: Social Theory

SOC3: Modern Societies II: Global Social Problems and Dynamics of Resistance

Key Publications - Other

Living with difference: community, diversity and the common good. A national report of the commission on religion and belief in British public life (7 December 2015)

PhD Supervisor

Media Articles

Research Groups & Affiliations


Job Title:
PhD Candidate, St. Edmund's College
Contact Information: