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Sociology Research

Research Themes

Read more at: Theory and Culture

Theory and Culture

Social Theory provides essential tools to reflect on societal developments, especially on contemporary trends. Social and political transformations over the past decade have been dramatic, even by historical standards. For example, the financial crisis of 2008 and the subsequent austerity regime in several countries; the...

Read more at: Politics and Inequality

Politics and Inequality

A significant group of researchers within the department work study political processes across the world, including Britain, Continental Europe, the Americas, the Middle East, South Asia, and North and Southern Africa. Many use a comparative-historical method, tracing broader patterns that go beyond specific countries. For...

Read more at: Science and Technology

Science and Technology

Cambridge Sociology has a thriving community of scholars working in the areas of science and technology studies, including the social study of biomedicine, digital sociology, reproductive sociology and the sociology of new media technologies. Our research on topics such as assisted conception, diagnostic health...

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