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Sociology Research


Courtney Hallink is a PhD student in the Department of Sociology at the University of Cambridge. She holds a BA in International Relations from the University of Toronto and a MSocSci in Sociology from the University of Cape Town.  Courtney's research examines how the historical legacy of colonial unemployment insurance legislation affects the racialization of social citizenship in post-colonial South Africa. In other words, she asks how social welfare policies implemented during Segregation and Apartheid continue to create and reinforce racial stratification (both intentionally and unintentionally) in the post-1994 era. Courtney's research is situated in current debates about the extension of South Africa's social grant system to unemployed adults and the implementation of a basic income.

Job Title:
The Role of Ideas in Social Policy Formation in South Africa: Ideas about the Deservingness of Poor and Unemployed Adults Among South Africa’s Political Elite and the Implications for Social Welfare Policy, Supervisor: Prof Julia Davies
Courtney Hallink
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