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Sociology Research


Damni Kain is a PhD Candidate and a Gates–Cambridge Scholar at the Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge. She is currently the convenor of the Technologies at Work Research Network at the Centre for Research in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) and a Research Assistant for the Fairwork Project at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford. Damni’s research interests include ethnographic explorations of the gig/platform economy and the future of work, labour, and caste.

Damni completed her M.Phil from the University of Cambridge as a Cambridge Trust and Commonwealth Scholar, where her research on caste and gig work in India was awarded the prestigious British Association for South Asian Studies (BASAS) Master’s Dissertation Prize. After her M.Phil, Damni worked as a Lecturer at O.P. Jindal Global University, India. She has also previously worked at Fairwork (India), the Centre for Internet and Society, the Indian Parliament and the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Communications and Information Technology where she contributed to parliamentary interventions on a range of policy issues at the helm of technology and labour rights.

Research Interests

Gig/platform economy, the future of work, labour, and caste, ethnographic and creative research methods


Lecturer at O.P. Jindal Global University, India (Aug 2023- September 2024)

Courses taught:
Introduction to Research Methods (BAPS-304)
Digital Technology, Politics and Society (M.A. (DLB) 0653)
Understanding Gig Work in Contemporary Capitalism (M.A. (DLB) 0654)
Understanding Ethnography (M.A. (DLB) 0686)
Research Proposals 101: From Ideas to Implementation


Journal Articles

'(Google) Maps always gets us stuck': Space, Time and Gig Work in Delhi, Contemporary South Asia Journal (forthcoming)

How the Absence of Caste in Curriculum Aids the Presence of Caste in Pedagogy, Contemporary Voice of Dalit, 2022, SAGE Journal



Caste Out, The Sociological Review, 2023

Fairwork India Ratings 2022: Labour Standards in the Platform Economy, University of Oxford
Accessible at:

Perils of the Gig Economy: A Response to NITI Aayog’s Report, 2022, The India Forum
Accessible at:

Online Caste-Hate Speech: Pervasive Discrimination and Humiliation on Social Media, 2021, Centre for Internet and Society and Association for Progressive Communications
Accessible at:

Grants and Projects

The Sociological Review Grant 2025 (for organising the symposium; 'Movement in (Ethnographic) Method: Space, Time and Theory)

Research Network Grant by Centre for Research in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), University of Cambridge

Indian Association for Women’s Studies Research Grant 2022

Indian Association for Women’s Studies Research Grant 2021

PhD Supervisor

Professor Manali Desai

Media Articles

Research Groups & Affiliations


Gates- Cambridge Scholarship for a fully funded PhD at the University of Cambridge, 2024

Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Scholarship for a fully funded D.Phil at the University of Oxford (declined)

Clarendon Scholarship for a fully funded D.Phil at the University of Oxford (declined)

British Association for South Asian Studies (BASAS) Master's Dissertation Prize

Best Academic Performance Prize (and distinction) for M.Phil in Modern South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge

Cambridge Trust and Commonwealth Scholarship (2022) for a fully funded M.Phil at the University of Cambridge

College Rank 2 (Masters in Political Science, University of Delhi)

All India Rank 3 (out of 6,000+ candidates) in the Admission Test for the Master's in Political Science programme at the University of Delhi

College Rank 1 (Bachelors in Political Science, University of Delhi)

Lirio Lopez Prize, University of Delhi

Job Title:
Caste, Corporeality and the ‘Gig’: Understanding Home-Based Platform Services in India, Supervisor: Professor Manali Desai
Damni Kain
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