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Sociology Research


Dr Anna Bagnoli's PhD study, based at the Centre for Family Research of the University of Cambridge (Cantab, 2001), investigated the process of identity construction in young people in relation to the experience of migration, looking at a sample of young Italians migrating to England and young English migrating to Italy. The project applied an innovative mix of qualitative methods to promote young people’s active participation. It was awarded an EC Marie Curie TMR Fellowship (1998-2000), an EP Ramon y Cajal Scholarship (2001-2002), and an ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship (2002-2003).

Anna pursued her interests in methodological innovation during her time as a Research Fellow at the University of Leeds on the ESRC-funded National Centre for Research Methods Real Life Methods Node initiative (2005-2008).

During her time in the Department of Sociology at University of Cambridge she worked in the context of the ESRC Gender Equality Network (GeNet) research group with two subsequent projects on gender and science: PRAGES, an EC-funded coordination action involving 11 national partners (2008-2009), and Boys Girls and SET (2010), a study that was funded by the Nuffield Foundation.

In 2013-2014 Anna led two studies to pilot a range of creative arts-based methods: Wolfson’s Worlds, funded by Wolfson College, Cambridge, and Picturing Identities, funded by the Cambridge Italian Research Network.

Since 2011 she has been working as a Tutor at Wolfson College, where she also is Director of Studies for HSPS.

Research Interests

Anna's current research focuses on the contemporary migration of Southern Europeans, and in particular of young Italians. She is interested in looking at migration from a gender perspective, taking into account the multiple ways in which gender contributes to shaping people’s movements and migration stories. Anna's research explores the identities and life stories of migrants, with attention to their autobiographical narratives - oral, visual, and multi-sensory - looking at issues of belonging and at the everyday practices through which migrants are able to reconstruct home and use their cultural capital on this purpose. Methodological innovation in qualitative research is one of her key interests. Anna is particularly keen to use methods that creatively mix the social sciences with the arts, which she sees as an effective approach to promote research participation.



Anna contributes to the methodological training of MPhil students in the Sociology Department teaching Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis.

Graduate supervision availability and interests:

Anna is available to supervise students with an interest in migration and identities, gender, and young people’s lives, and students who are planning narrative, autobiographical, visual and arts-based studies.

Current Doctoral students:

Me-Linh Riemann 

Mareike Zobel

Key Publications - Book Chapters

Bagnoli, A., Demey, D. and Scott, J. (2014) Young people, gender, and science: Does an early interest lead to a job in SET? A longitudinal view from the BHPS youth data, in I. Schoon and J. S. Eccles (eds.) Gender differences in aspirations and attainments – A life course perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 321-345 

Bagnoli, A. (2012) Making Sense of Mixed Method Narratives: Young People’s Identities, Life-Plans and Time Orientations, in S. Heath and C. Walker (eds.) Innovations in Youth Research, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 77-100 

Key Publications - Journal Articles

Bagnoli, A. and Clark, A. (2010) Focus Groups with Young People: a Participatory Approach to Research Planning, Journal of Youth Studies, 13(1), 101-119 

Bagnoli, A. (2009) Beyond the Standard Interview: the Use of Graphic Elicitation and Arts-Based Methods, Qualitative Research, 9(5), 547-570 

Bagnoli, A. and Ketokivi, K. (2009) (eds.) At a Crossroads: Contemporary Lives between Fate and Choice, European Societies, special issue, 11 (3)

Bagnoli, A. (2009) ‘On an Introspective Journey’: Identities and Travel in Young People’s Lives, in A. Bagnoli and K. Ketokivi (eds.) At a Crossroads: Contemporary Lives between Fate and Choice, European Societies, special issue, 11(3), 325-345 

Wiles, R., Prosser, J., Bagnoli, A., Clark, A., Davies, K., Holland, S. and Renold, E. (2008) Visual Ethics: Ethical Issues in Visual Research, ESRC National Centre for Research Methods Review Paper, NCRM/011 

Bagnoli, A. (2007) Between Outcast and Outsider: Constructing the Identity of the Foreigner, European Societies, 9(1), 23-44 

Bagnoli, A. (2004) Researching Identities with Multi-method Autobiographies, Sociological Research Online, 9(2) 

Grants and Projects

Bagnoli, A. Wolfson College, Wolfson’s Worlds, academic year 2013/2014.

With the project Wolfson’s Worlds Anna investigated the needs of international students through an innovative methodology based on collage workshops.  

Bagnoli, A. Cambridge Italian Research Network Seed Funding Grant, Picturing Identities, academic year 2013/2014.

Research Groups & Affiliations

Job Title:
Affiliated Researcher, Fellow and Tutor of Wolfson College, HSPS Director of Studies, Wolfson College
Contact Information: