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Sociology Research


A network sociologist, conducting interdisciplinary research on the impact of the communications revolution and the emergence of networked societies on intellectual discourse and human intelligence (more broadly). With almost twenty years of experience the nexus of global outreach, communication and development, including work as a senior consultant with the UNDP and the World Bank and as an award-winning social entrepreneur, Ehab has a deep interest in how networks can be harnessed for the development of disenfranchised communities and improving the human lot. 

He holds a master in public administration (MPA) from Dalhousie University (Halifax, Canada) and multiple BA’s in art history, political science and interdisciplinary studies from Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada).

Research Interests

- Discourse analysis
- Sociology of intellectuals
- Herd mentalities
- Network science
- Natural Language Processing
- AI and Deep Learning

Research Projects

Conducting extensive research on how the realities of networked societies and hyper-connectivity are impacting intellectual discourse and have birthed a new breed of intellectuals.

PhD Supervisor



Job Title:
Wolfson College
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