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Sociology Research


Dr Gavin Stevenson is the Director for Student Development and a Fellow in sociology at Murray Edwards College. He completed a BA, MPhil, and PhD in sociology at the University of Cambridge. He has taught extensively across undergraduate papers in sociology as a supervisor and has supervised a wide range of undergraduate dissertations on themes related to identity formation, belonging, and affect.

Gavin’s PhD was a mixed-methods qualitative project exploring the feeling and phenomenon of being offended and its contemporary relevance in public discourse surrounding terms such as “woke” or “cancel culture”. This project focused on the University of Cambridge and its student population and utilised a combination of interviews, autoethnography and discourse analysis. Gavin’s academic interests lie within the exploration of queer, critical race and feminist epistemologies and methodologies as they related to feeling, emotion, affect, and identity formation.

Gavin is passionate about widening participation and access to Higher Education as well as fostering inclusive practices in teaching and learning within Higher Education settings. He works on a range of widening participation projects with students (aged 14-19) considering University Education and has organised sessions for educational practitioners on fostering inclusive learning environments.

Research Interests

Feminist, critical race, and queer theory; Feeling, affect, and emotion; the phenomenology of being/feeling offence; personal experience and narrative as methodology; reflexivity and autoethnographic methods.


Undergraduate Teaching (Supervision) in:


PhD Supervisor


  • Cambridge SU Student-Led Teaching Award in Inclusive Practice 2021 (Shortlisted)
  • University of Cambridge HSPS 2020 Supervisor Award (Commendation)
  • Outstanding Student Contribution to Education Award 2019 (Commendation)
  • University of Cambridge, HSPS 2018 Supervisor Award
  • Cambridge University Student’s Union Student’s Choice Award 2018: Inclusive Teaching Practice (Shortlisted)
  • University of Cambridge, HSPS 2017 Supervisor Award
  • Fitzwilliam College Graduate Award for Teaching - An award adjudicated by the Fitzwilliam College Education committee, under advice of the Directors of Studies and Tutors of Fitzwilliam College, provided in recognition of an "outstanding contribution to undergraduate supervisions".
  • Fitzwilliam College 1912 Scholarship (Nov 2014)
  • ESRC 1+3 Studentship (1st October 2014 – 30th September 2018)
  • Fitzwilliam College Prize (June 2014) – provided for exceptional academic achievement upon completing an undergraduate degree
  • Clough Scholarship (June 2013) – provided for exceptional academic achievement during an undergraduate degree
Job Title:
Director of Student Development and Fellow, Tutor and Director of Studies, Murray Edwards College
Contact Information: