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Sociology Research


Dr Noel (also known as El) has successfully completed her PhD in the Department of Sociology at the University of Cambridge, working under the supervision of Prof Jennifer Gabrys. Informed by her time in the tech industry, where she worked on the design side of digital products, she is interested in how different groups of people make sense of, collaborate with, or reappropriate new technological artefacts. Her doctoral project, ‘The Smart City in Motion,’ explored how food delivery apps bring together infrastructures, spaces, and movements, activating a particular kind of smartness in cities. The project focused on Baemin, the most used food delivery app in South Korea.

Before starting her PhD, Noel worked in management consulting in Seoul, data analytics consulting and technology in Seoul and London, and humanitarian aid in Nairobi and Garsen. She holds an MSc in Media, Communication and Development from the London School of Economics and a BA in Management from Peking University.

Research Interests

Science and technology studies, critical infrastructure studies, mobilities, smart urbanism, digital platforms, technology and work

Research Projects

2020-: PhD thesis titled ‘The Smart City in Motion: Food Delivery Apps as Mobile Infrastructure in Seoul’
2022-: Research assistant for the 'Smart Forests' project


Undergraduate supervisions:
SOC7 Media, Culture and Society (2022–2024)
SOC6 Advanced Social Theory (2022–2023)


Chung, N. (2024). Thinking food delivery platforms infrastructurally: the practices and politics of Baemin’s infrastructuralisation in Seoul. New Technology, Work and Employment, 1-28. 

Chung, N. (2024). Connected, programmed, and immobilised: a mobile ethnography of platform-mediated food delivery in Seoul. Mobilities, 19(4), 573–592.

PhD Supervisor

Media Articles

Research Groups & Affiliations


The Hackers Bridge Scholarship, Hackers Education Group, South Korea

Academic Excellence Scholarship, Peking University, China

Overseas Study Scholarship, The Kwanjeong Educational Foundation, South Korea

Job Title:
Research Affiliate
Contact Information: