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Sociology Research


Dr Robbie Duschinsky is Head of the Applied Social Science Group within the Primary Care Unit, and Director of Studies in Sociology at Sidney Sussex College.

Robbie is co-PI of the “Living Assessments” Collaborator Award, funded by Wellcome, exploring the integration of health and social care in assessments of children.

Robbie is an Associate Editor of BMJ Medical Humanities, and serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Gender Studies. He is a member of the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Governance Group for the School of Clinical Medicine, and a member of the Diversity & Inclusion Steering Group for Wellcome.

Research Interests

Robbie’s research interests primarily concern the sociology of health, especially child and family mental health. He also has interests in sociological theory, including gender and affect theory.


Robbie is the convener for the MVST 1A paper Social & Ethical Context of Health and Illness for first-year medical studies. The paper aims to engage students’ curiosity regarding the role of social factors within the course of disease and treatment, and to introduce ethical and legal questions that arise for the medical profession. Robbie also contributes teaching within the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences.

He would welcome enquiries from prospective Doctoral and MPhil students for projects relating to his research interests.

Key Publications - Books

Robbie Duschinsky (2020) Cornerstones of Attachment Research. Oxford University Press

Duschinsky, R., Schnall, S., & Weiss, D. H. (Eds.). (2017). Purity and Danger Now: New Perspectives. London: Routledge

Key Publications - Journal Articles

Reijman, S., Foster, S., & Duschinsky, R. (2018). The infant disorganised attachment classification: “Patterning within the disturbance of coherence”. Social Science & Medicine, 200, 52-58. 

Duschinsky, R. (2018). Disorganization, fear and and attachment: working towards clarification. Infant Mental Health 39(10), 17-29 

Duschinsky, R., & Paddison, C. (2018). “The final arbiter of everything”: a genealogy of concern with patient experience in Britain. Social Theory & Health, 16(1), 94-110. 

Granqvist, P., Sroufe, L. A., Dozier, M., Hesse, E., Steele, M., van Ijzendoorn, M., ... & Duschinsky, R. (2017). Disorganized attachment in infancy: a review of the phenomenon and its implications for clinicians and policy-makers. Attachment & human development, 19(6), 534-558. 

Duschinsky, R., Greco, M. & Solomon, J. (2015) ‘The Politics of Attachment’ Theory, Culture & Society, available on Early View

Robbie Duschinsky (2015) The emergence of the disorganized/disoriented (D) attachment classification, 1979-1982. Hist Psychol. 2015 Feb;18(1):32-46.

Duschinsky, R. & Wilson, E. eds. (2015) Engaging with the Work of Lauren Berlant, special issue of the International Journal of Politics, Culture & Society, Volume 28, Issue 3.

Duschinsky, R. & Brown, D.-M. (2015) ‘Place and Defilement’ Space & Culture, 18(3): 243-256

Job Title:
Senior Lecturer in Social Sciences, Sidney Sussex College
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