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Sociology Research


Ruoxi Liu is a departmental lecturer at the School of Global and Area Studies, at the University of Oxford. She completed her PhD from the Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge, supervised by Professor Christel Lane. Her thesis, entitled ‘The Meaning of Being Independent: Precarities of Work and Lifestyles and Alternative-Seeking among Chinese Self-Employed Cultural Workers’, investigates the trends of ‘individuality’, ‘creativity’, ‘autonomy’ and ‘self-sufficiency’' in China vis-a-vis its authoritarian context and the neoliberal tendencies.

Based on an ethnographic study from May 2020 to April 2021 across a number of Chinese cities, Ruoxi’s PhD research highlighted their alternative-seeking against various precarities in a context full of rising uncertainties. This work contributes to a more nuanced understanding of cultural/creative work, cultural/creative workers, and their communities, and develops new insights into the individual-society relationship, individual agency, and self-sufficiency at the grassroots levels in China.

Ruoxi’s primary research interests lie in investigating individual agency, grassroots creativity, and community activism(s) under restricted socio-economic-political contexts. Her research has focused on the self-employed/independent workers, freelancers, informal workers, cultural workers, and alternative communities in contemporary China.

Dr Ruoxi Liu is also a research affiliate at the Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge. Throughout her research and life practices, Ruoxi is keen on exploring and developing ‘alternatives.’

Research Interests

Sociology of culture, sociology of work and labour, Chinese studies, creative labour studies, cultural workers, craft workers and craftsmanship, craft and heritage, self-employment, informal work, alternative-seeking, lifestyle politics, everyday practices, cultural activism, grassroots community


Departmental Lecturer, the School of Global and Area Studies, University of Oxford, 2024-
- Research Methodologies
- Study of Contemporary China
- Dissertation Workshops and Presentations

Supervisor (Graduate Teaching Assistant), Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge, 2021-2024
- Media, Culture and Society (Undergraduate SOC 7 course)
- Statistics and Methods (Undergraduate SOC 5 course)
- Sociology of Gender (Undergraduate SOC 10 course)
- Global Social Problems and Dynamics of Resistance (Undergraduate SOC 3 course)

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Peking University, 2017-2018
- Essentials of Confucian Thoughts (Graduate course taught in Chinese), Yenching Academy
- Traditional Chinese Performance (Graduate course taught in Engilsh), Peking University Summer School


Liu, R., 2020. “A Better Structural Integration Achieved? – Evidence from the Career Pathway of Second-generation French Chinese under the Perspective of Segmented Assimilation Theory”, Collection of Chinese Immigrants in Europe: Image, Identity and Social Participation. Berlin: De Gruyter Press.

Liu, R., 2018, ‘The Formation and Transformation of the Civic Awareness of Wenzhou Immigrants in France’ (in Chinese), Collection of Overseas Chinese Studies (Volume: Europe). Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press. (with Rui, Chang., Yuanzhen, Mao.)


Liu, R. 2024. “Feminist Alternative Practices Among Independent Artists: The Case of Guangzhou, China”, Global Media and China (Special Issue: Feminist Media Production and Beyond), online first.

Liu, R., 2023. “Identity Navigation and Self-Positioning in a Changing Craft World: Creativity and Cultures of Emerging Self-Employed Craft Workers in Jingdezhen”, Journal of Modern Craft

Liu, R., 2022. “Drifting in China's Porcelain Capital: Self-Realization and Alternative-seeking of the Self-Employed Craft Workers in Jingdezhen”, Asian Anthropology

Liu, R., 2022. “In the Face of Instability and Marginalisation in a Gendered Craft Industry: Self-Realisation and Resilience of the Self-employed Craftswomen in Jingdezhen, China”, International Journal of Business Anthropology 12 (2): 67-77.


- 2024, 当确认了“没有另一种生活”以后:行动与日常之辨["After confirming ‘there is no other alternative life’: distinguishing (or not) between activsm and everyday life."], social-engaged art project – ‘Threading through the eye of the needle’, sponsored by "He Di Zai Chuang.

- 2024, First Love Letter, The Anartist Book Club, Asymmetry Art Foundation,

- 2023, ESEA Hub, Reflections on ESEA (East and South-Eastern Asian) Conference Organising,

- 2021, Sixth Tone, Jingdezhen’s Ancient Ceramics Industry Faces an Uncertain Future,

- 2020, Sixth Tone, Freelancing Isn’t Free: Why It’s So Hard to Go Solo in China,


PhD Supervisor

Research Groups & Affiliations


British Sociological Association Support Fund, 2023

Great Britain China Educational Trust Chinese Students Awards, 2023

UCCL-Great Britain China Educational Trust Travel and Study Grants, 2023

Sociology Department Writing Up Bursary, 2023

Cambridge Researcher-Led Events Fund, 2022

The Annette Lawson Charitable Trust, 2022

Awardee of the SUPRA Programme 2022, NIAS - Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, University of Copenhagen

CSC-Trust Scholarship (full scholarship co-founded by Cambridge Trust and China Scholarship Council), 2019-2023

Wing Yip Scholarship (full scholarship founded by Wing Yip PLC), 2018-2019

Yenching Scholarship (fully fellowship programme by Yenching Academy, Peking University), 2016-2018

Job Title:
Research Affiliate, Magdelene College
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