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Sociology Research


Dr Thomas Jeffrey Miley is a lecturer of Political Sociology in the Department of Sociology at the University of Cambridge. He received his BA from the University of California, Los Angeles (1995) and his PhD. from Yale University (2004). He has lectured at Yale University, Wesleyan University, and Saint Louis University (Madrid). Thomas was also a Garcia-Pelayo Research Fellow at the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies in Madrid (2007-2009). 

Research Interests

Comparative nationalisms, the politics of migration, religion and politics, and democratic theory.



SOC3: Modern Societies II - Lecturer for module on Global Social Problems in paper on Global Social Problems and Dynamics of Resistance.

SOC9: Global Capitalism - Lecturer for module on Revolutions in Latin America in paper on Revolutions.

SOC12: Social Problems in Modern Britain - course organizer and lecturer for modules on Nationalism in Britain and for Work and Class in Britain. 

Co-seminar leader with Dr David Lane in MPhil module on Critiques of Capitalism.

Lecturer for Joint Schools MPhil Seminar on Comparative Historical Methods.

Graduate supervision availability and interests:

Jeff is available to supervise students working on any topic related to his research agenda on nationalism, migration politics, religion and politics, or empirical democratic theory.

Current Doctoral students:

Tiago Carvalho

Dilar Dirik

Yiqun Dong

Ron Eli

Philip Luther-Davies

Key Publications - Books

Miley, Thomas Jeffrey (2023) Self-Determination Struggles. In Pursuit of the Democratic Confederalist Ideal. Montreal: Black Rose Books.

Miley, Thomas Jeffrey; Venturini, Federico (2018) Your Freedom and Mine: Abdullah Öcalan and the Kurdish Question in Erdoğan's Turkey. Black Rose Books

Key Publications - Book Chapters

Thomas Jeffrey Miley and Guney Yildiz (2020) “U.S. Foreign Policy towards the Kurdish Movement under Obama and Trump,” in Vera Eccarius-Kelly and Michael Gunter, eds., Kurdish Autonomy and U.S. Foreign Policy, Peter Lang Publishing

Alfred Stepan and Jeff Miley (2018) Federacy and the Kurds: Might This New Political Form Help Mitigate Hobbesian Conflicts in Turkey, Iraq, and Syria? in Forms of pluralism and democratic constitutionalism  Edited by Andrew Arato, Jean L. Cohen, and Astrid von Busekist.

Key Publications - Journal Articles

Miley, Thomas Jeffrey. “Marx, Marxism, and the Problem of Eurocentrism,” Revista Internacional de Filosofía y Teoría Social, no. 101, 2023, pp.1-13.

Miley, Thomas Jeffrey, Hammy, Cihad.  “Lessons from Rojava for the Paradigm of Social Ecology,” Frontiers in Political Science, 10 Jan 2022. Sec. Comparative Governance, vol. 3.

Thomas Jeffrey Miley and Roberto Garvía (2019) Conflict in Catalonia: A Sociological Approximation. Genealogy 2019, 3(4), 56

Thomas Jeffrey Miley (2019) Repression and Resistance in CataloniaRevista Internacional de Sociología vol. 77 (4), e144, octubre-diciembre, 2019

Thomas Jeffrey Miley (2018) The nation as hegemonic projectJournal of Political Ideologies Volume 23, 2018 - Issue 2

Thomas Jeffrey Miley (2017) Austerity politics and constitutional crisis in SpainEuropean Politics and Society Volume 18, 2017 - Issue 2

Miley, J., "Constitutional Politics and Religious Accommodation: Lessons from Spain," Politics, Religion & Ideology, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2015: 411–433. 

Miley, J., “Democratic Representation and the National Question in Catalan and Basque Politics,” International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, Vol. 27, No. 3, 2014: 291-322. 

Miley, J., “Blocked Articulation and Nationalist Hegemony in Catalonia,” Regional and Federal Studies, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2013: 7-26. 

Miley, J., “'Linguistic Immersion' and Political Conflict in Contemporary Catalonia,” European Journal of Language Policy, Number 1. European Journal of Language Policy, Vol. 5, No.1, 2013: 5–40. With Roberto Garvía.

Miley, J. “Franquism as Authoritarianism: Juan Linz and his Critics,” Politics, Religion and Ideology, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2011: 27-50. 

Miley, J. “The Constitution and the Politics of National Identity in Contemporary Spain,” Nations and Nationalisms Vol. 16, No. 1, 2010: 6-30. With Enric Martínez

Miley, J., “Analyzing the Dynamics of Assimilation in Nationalist Contexts: Is There Really More Assimilation in Catalonia than in the Basque Country?,” European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 47, No.6, 2008: 710-736. With Luis de la Calle.

Miley, J., “Against the Thesis of the Civic Nation: The Case of Catalonia in Contemporary Spain,” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2007: 1-37. 

Miley, J., Nacionalismo y política lingüística: El caso de Cataluña (Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2006). 

Grants and Projects

Miley, J. (PI) Immigrant Identities, Attitudes and Behaviour in the European Union. Cambridge Humanities Research Grants Scheme (2011-2013): £19,833

Miley, J. Framing Attitudes towards Migration and Asylum: Effects of Immigration Politics and Policies in 15 EU Countries. Financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spring 2008 – Spring 2012). P.I.: Enric Martínez Herrera. 

Miley, J. Elites Políticas Autonómicas en España, Financed by Spain’s Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (Spring 2009-Fall 2010). P.I.: Francesc Xavier Coller Porta. 

Miley, J. Conflicto y consenso parlamentario: el caso de la España de las autonomías (1980-2010). Financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Inovacion (Spring 2009-Spring 2010). P.I.: Francesc Xavier Coller Porta. 

Miley, J. Desarrollo de técnicas de docencia en la asignatura: Técnicas de investigación en Ciencia Política. Financed by the Junta de Castilla y León (Spring 2007 - Spring 2008). P.I.: Natalia Ajenjo.


Volumes 1 and 2 of the seven-volume collected works of Juan J. Linz (Montero and Miley, eds., Juan J. Linz. Obras escogidas. Volumen 1. Fascismo: Perspectivas históricas y comparadas; and Volumen 2. Nacion, Estado y lengua. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2008) were awarded the Prize for Best Monograph by the Unión de Editoriales Universitarias (Spain), Nov. 2009.

Job Title:
Lecturer of Political Sociology, Fellow of Darwin College
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