Dr Véronique Mottier is a Fellow and Director of Studies at Jesus College, University of Cambridge (since 1999) & Professor in Sociology at the University of Lausanne (since 2006).
Having grown up in Tunisia and the Netherlands, she currently divides her time between the UK and Switzerland. She has received degrees in French (Certificat d’études françaises modernes), Political Science (‘Licence’ & M.A.) and Sociology (‘Licence’) from the University of Geneva, and a Ph.D in Sociology from the University of Cambridge, supervised by Anthony Giddens, in 1998. She was a Lecturer (1989-93) and ‘Maitre-Assistante’ (1996-99) in Political Theory at the University of Geneva, a temporary University Lecturer in Sociology at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Cambridge (1999-2002) and then a NSF Research Professor in Politics and Sociology, Institut d’études politiques et internationales, University of Lausanne (2002-2006).
She has taught summer courses in Discourse Theory and Analysis at the ECPR Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection at the University of Essex (1999-2006), the European University Institute in Florence (2001-2006), the Swiss PhD Summer School in Advanced Methods in the Social Sciences in Lugano (since 1999- ), and at the Universities of Johannesburg, Pretoria, Lisbon, and Hamburg. She has also given guest lectures at the Universities of Amsterdam, Basel, Brussels, Oxford, Copenhagen, Leeds, Loughborough, Neuchatel, Pune (India), Roskilde, UCL, Zürich, Luzern, UCM Maastricht, Dundee, to name but a few.