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Sociology Research


Yuti Ariani Fatimah is a Postdoctoral Research Associate on the Smart Forests project. She has a PhD in science and technology studies from Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands where she investigated the theoretical and practical aspects of power and agency in Indonesian biofuel projects. Yuti is an interdisciplinary scholar with training in mathematics, development studies, and innovation science, and experience with groups involved with topics ranging from smart cities to ecologies.

Prior to Cambridge, she worked as a Research Fellow in the Coupled Human and Natural Systems lab in Nanyang Technological University. Her research focused on the relationship between ecology and society through the case of Indonesian peatland restoration programs. For this research, she collaborated with various stakeholders, including international and regional non-governmental organizations, companies, local groups, and researchers.

Apart from academia, Yuti has experience in consultancy and journalism. She supported the Indonesian government in developing a system dynamics model on the relationship between greenhouse gas emissions and poverty, and assisted Indonesian cities in smart city projects. Her interest in the relationship between science and society also led her to become a senior researcher in an online news website where one of her responsibilities was to combat fake news.

Her non-linear paths have been informed by her engagement with human, non-human and marginalized actors, with a focus on the alignments and struggles that they can materialize across these actors.

Research Interests

Human, non-human and marginalized actors, with a focus on the alignments and struggles that they can materialize across these actors.

Research Projects

The relationship between human, technology, and nature in carbon market

Key Publications - Journal Articles

Fatimah, YA & Yuliar, S (2009). ‘Opening Indonesian Bio Fuel Box: How Scientist Modulate the Social’, International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation, Vol. I, Issue 2

Fatimah, Y. A. (2015). Fantasy, values, and identity in biofuel innovation: Examining the promise of Jatropha for Indonesia. Energy Research & Social Science, 7, 108-116.

Fatimah, Y. A., Rob P. J. M. Raven and Saurabh Arora (2015). Scripts in Transition: Protective Spaces of Indonesian Biofuel Villages. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 99, October 2015, Pages 1–13. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2015.06.021

Fatimah, Yuti Ariani, and Saurabh Arora (2016). "Nonhumans in the practice of development: Material agency and friction in a small-scale energy program in Indonesia." Geoforum 70 (2016): 25-34.

Fatimah, Y. A. Following Jatropha from Bandung to Sumbawa: Entanglement between University and Industry in Practice (2017). East Asian Science, Technology and Society 11 (1), 35-50, 2017.

Supangkat, S. H., Arman, A. A., Nugraha, R. A., & Fatimah, Y. A. (2018). The Implementation of Garuda Smart City Framework for Smart City Readiness Mapping in Indonesia. アジア太平洋討究, 32, 169-176.

Fatimah, Y. A. (2020, September). Beyond Socio-Technical Innovation: Lesson Learned from Jatropha Fuel Development in Indonesia in Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Information Technology for Sustainable Industry (pp. 1-6).

Zhao, J., Lee, J. S. H., Elmore, A. J., Fatimah, Y. A., Numata, I., Zhang, X., & Cochrane, M. A. (2022). Spatial patterns and drivers of smallholder oil palm expansion within peat swamp forests of Riau, Indonesia. Environmental Research Letters.

Smith, SW, Rahman, NEB, Harrison, ME, Shiodera, S, Giesen, W, Lampela, M, Wardle, DA, Chong, KY, Randi, A, Wijedasa, LS, Teo, PY*, Fatimah, YA, Teng, NT*, Joanne, YKQ*, Alam, MJ, Brugues Sintes, P, Darusman, T, Graham, LLB, Katoppo, DR, Kojima, K, Kusin, K, Lestari, DP, Metali, F, Morrogh-Bernard, HC, Nahor, MB, Napitupulu, RRP, Nasir, D, Nath, TK, Nilus, R, Norisada, M, Rachmanadi, D, Rachmat, HH, Ripoll Capilla, B, Salahuddin, Santosa, PB, Sukri, RS, Tay, B, Tuah, W, Yamanoshita, T, Yokoyama, EY, Yuwati, TW, Lee, JSH (submitted in August 2021) Tree species that ‘live slow, die older’ enhance tropical peat swamp restoration: evidence from a systematic review. J Appl Ecol. British Ecological Society.

Job Title:
Postdoctoral Research Associate
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