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Sociology Research


Véronique Mottier is a Fellow, College Associate Professor and Director of Studies at Jesus College, Cambridge (since 1999) & Associate Professor at the Institut des Sciences Sociales/Centre Etudes-Genre, University of Lausanne (since 2006).

Having grown up in the Netherlands and Tunisia, she currently divides her time between the UK and Switzerland. Her university training was in French, Political Science and Sociology. She received a Certificat d’Etudes Françaises Modernes, BA & MA in Political Science and 'licence' (BA) in Sociology from the University of Geneva, and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Cambridge (Clare College), supervised by Anthony Giddens.

Her main research and teaching interests are in the areas of social theory, gender and sexuality, reparatory justice and discourse/narrative analysis. She has taught summer schools in Discourse Theory and Analysis at the ECPR Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection at the University of Essex (1999-2006), the European University Institute in Florence (2001-2006), and the Swiss PhD Summer School in Advanced Methods in the Social Sciences in Lugano (since 1999-). She has delivered guest lectures at many other universities, including the University of the West Indies (Mona/Jamaica), Makerere, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Pune (India), Oxford, Hamburg, Lisbon, Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, Dundee, Leeds, Lille, Loughborough, Luzern, UCM (Maastricht), Neuchâtel, Roskilde, UCL (London), Basel, Geneva and Zürich.

Research Interests

French social theory; feminist and political theory; memorialisation and reparatory justice; gender, sexuality and race; historical sociology (eugenics, child removal programs in the Western world, enslavement and colonial violence); interpretative research methods, especially discourse/narrative theory and analysis.


SOC6: Advanced Social Theory: 'Reparatory Justice'

Current doctoral students:

University of Cambridge, Department of Sociology: Simone Schneider (Principal PhD Supervisor)

Université Lausanne, Institut des Sciences Sociales: Romaine Girod (PhD supervisor)

Université Lausanne, Institut des Sciences Sociales: Mélanie Pinon (PhD co-supervisor)


Books and Edited Volumes

Mottier, Véronique. The Rise and Fall of French Social Theory (working title). Harvard: Harvard University Press (under contract).

Mottier, Véronique & Byaruhanga Rukooko, Sexualities. Oxford: Oxford University Press (under contract, forthcoming).

Knüsel, René, Grob Alexander & Véronique Mottier (Eds.) Schicksale der Fremdplatzierung. Behördenentscheidungen und Auswirkungen auf den Lebenslauf. Berlin/Basel: Schwabe Verlag, 195 pages, 2024. (French translation: 2024).

Charles Bosvieux-Onyekwelu & Véronique Mottier (Eds.) Genre, droit et politique. Paris: Maison des sciences de l'homme, LGDJ, 262 pages, 2021.

Duschinsky, Robbie & Véronique Mottier (Eds) The DSM-5 as Political Battleground: Gender Identities, Sexual Norms, and Female Desire. Special Issue of Psychology & Sexuality, volume 7, issue 1, 67 pages, 2016.

Mottier, Véronique & Robbie Duschinsky (Eds) DSM-5: Classifying Sex. Special Issue of Archives of Sexual Behavior, 44, 89 pages, 2015.

Mottier, Véronique. Sexuality. New York: Sterling Publisher (expanded, American edition), 179 pages, 2010.

Mottier, Véronique. Sexuality: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 151 pages, 2008.
(translated into Persian: 2023, Japanese: 2022, Italian: 2018, Chinese (Hong Kong version): 2017, Vietnamese: 2016, German: 2015, Chinese (mainland China version): 2015, Hebrew: 2014, Portuguese: 2010).

Gerodetti, Natalia and Véronique Mottier (Eds.) Feminist Politics of Reproduction. Special Issue of Feminist Theory, Vol.10/2, 97 pages, 2009.

Mottier, Véronique and Laura von Mandach (Eds.) Pflege, Stigmatisierung und Eugenik: Integration und Ausschluss in Medizin, Psychiatrie und Sozialhilfe. Zürich: Seismo, 168 pages, 2007.

Hasdeu, Iulia, Mottier, Véronique, Parini, Lorena, Roux, Patricia, Spano, Maria Rosaria (Eds.) Postcommunisme: Genre et États en transition, Special Issue of Nouvelles Questions Féministes, Vol.23, No.2, 168 pages, 2004.

Carver, Terrell & Véronique Mottier (Eds.) Politics of Sexuality: Identity, Gender, Citizenship. London: Routledge, 200 pages, paperback: 2006; eBook version: 2007; Hardback: 1998.

Ballmer-Cao, Thanh-Huyen, Mottier, Véronique & Lea Sgier (Eds.) Genre et politique: débats et perspectives. Paris: Gallimard, 542 pages, 2000.


Journal Articles & Book Chapters

See full list on

Grants and Projects

Mottier, V. (PI) Sexual Interactions in the Context of HIV/Aids Risk in Switzerland. Swiss National Science Foundation and European Commission (1998-1999 & 2000-2002): £210,000 [link]

Mottier, V. Swiss National Science Foundation, Principal Investigator and Research Team Leader, ‘Social and Political Implications of Eugenic Practices’, University of Lausanne, 2002-2006, CHF978.781 (=£700.000).

Mottier, V. Swiss National Science Foundation, Co-Investigator with V. Barras and C. Kraus (P.I.), ‘Manufacturing Heterosexuality: The History of ‘Female Desire Disorders’ in Switzerland since the 1960s’, University of Lausanne, 2014-2016, CHF175'218 (=£125.000).

Mottier, V. Small research grants from the Fondation Chalumeau, Geneva (1999) 

Mottier, V. Small Research Grant from Decanat SSP, University of Lausanne (2015).

Dr Mottier has received conference funding from Crassh, University of Cambridge; the Wellcome Trust; the British Sociological Association; l’Institut Français (Oxford); and the Gender Identity Research and Education Society GIRES, U.K. (2013).

Mottier, V. Debating Homosexuality in Uganda: The case of members of parliament. Cambridge Africa Alborada Fund (2016-2017): £5680


Véronique Mottier was the first sociologist ever to be awarded the ‘Prix Jubilé’ by the Académie Suisse des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (in 2001), for her research on eugenics in Switzerland.

She was awarded a NSF Research Professorship in Politics and Sociology, Institut d’études politiques et internationales, University of Lausanne (2002-2006).

She has been awarded student grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation for summer schools in 1989 and 1993 & a visiting scholar year at King’s College, Cambridge (1993-94); Doctoral research grants from the Société Académique de Genève (1994-95), Fondation Schmidheiny (1995-96) and the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of British Universities, Overseas Research Students Award (1994-1997).

Additional Information

Completed PhDs

University of Geneva, Department of Sociology
PhD co-supervisor of: Marlyse Debergh, 'La santé sexuelle à l'épreuve du local. Une ethnographie féministe en Suisse romande' (2022)

Université de Lausanne, Faculté des Sciences Sociales et Politiques
PhD supervisor of: Dina Bader, ‘Debating female genital mutilation and genital cosmetic surgery in the Swiss public sphere (2005-2012)’ (2018)

Université de Lausanne, Faculté des Sciences Sociales et Politiques
PhD supervisor of: Glòria Casas Vila, ‘Violences machistes dans le couple en Espagne: quelles réponses politiques? De l'interdiction légale de la médiation au vécu des femmes survivantes' (2019).

Université de Lausanne, Faculté des Sciences Sociales et Politiques
PhD supervisor of: Edmée Ballif, ‘Mettre en mots avant de mettre au monde. Modalités temporelles de l'accompagnement psychosocial des femmes enceintes’ (2017).

Université de Lausanne, Faculté des Sciences Sociales et Politiques
PhD supervisor of: Lorraine Odier, ‘Les métamorphoses de la figure parentale à l’Ecole des parents de Genève (1950-2010).’ (2014).

University of Cambridge, Department of Sociology
PhD supervisor of: Robbie Duschinsky, ‘The Politics of Purity: New Social Theoretical Reflections on the Sexualisation of Childhood in Britain' (2011).

University of Leeds, School of Sociology and Social Policy
external PhD co-supervisor: Natalia Gerodetti, 'Modernising sexualities: Towards a Socio-Historical Understanding of Sexualities in the Swiss Nation.' (2002).

Job Title:
College Associate Professor, Director of Studies and Fellow, Jesus College, Associate Professor, ISS/CEG, Université Lausanne
Veronique Mottier