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Sociology Research


Professor Göran Therborn was Head of the Sociology Department at Cambridge from 2006, and retired in 2010. He has worked on all the populated continents. Since his formal retirement he lives mostly in Sweden. 

Research Interests

Professor Therborn is mainly works on global studies from different angles, such as family-sex-gender relations, inequality, pathways to modernity, contemporary radical social thought, cities and power, middle class formations.

Key Publications - Books

Therborn, G., Cities of Power, (2017) London, Verso

Therborn, G., The Killing Fields of Inequality, (2013), Cambridge, Polity (Finnish, Korean, Polish, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish translations) 

Therborn, G., The World: A Beginner’s Guide, (2011), Cambridge, Polity Press (Finnish, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish translations) 

Therborn, G., Between Sex and Power. Family in the World 1900-2000, (2004), London, Routledge (Brazilian translation)

Therborn, G., European Modernity and Beyond. The Trajectory of European Societies 1945-2000, (1995), London, Sage. (Belarussian, German, Frencg, Italian, Polish,Swedish, and Spanish editions)

Key Publications - Book Chapters

Therborn, G., (2016) ‘Globality and Modernity: Making Concepts Raise Research Questions’, in Mersmann, B. and Kippenberg, H. G., (eds.) The Humanities between Global Integration and Cultural Diversity, De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, pp.79-95.

Therborn, G., (2015)  ‘Movements of Equality: Today’s Latin America in a Global Historical Context’, in Fritz, B. and Lavinas L. (eds.) A Moment of Equality for Latin America?, Farnham Surrey, Ashgate, pp. 13-28.

Therborn, G., (2014) 'Family Systems of the World: Are They Converging?', in Treas, J., Scott, J. and Richards M., (eds), The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families, Oxford, Blackwell  

Therborn, G., (2013) '"Global Cities", World Power, and the G20 Capital Cities', in Fujita, K. (ed.) Cities and Crisis: New Critical Urban Theory, London, Sage, pp. 51-82.

Key Publications - Journal Articles

Therborn, G., 'Life-curves of Inequality', Korean Journal of Sociology, December 2015, Vol. 49, No. 6, pp. 47-61

Therborn, G., 'Class in the 21st Century', New Left Review, 2012, Vol. 78, pp. 5-29

Therborn, G., 'End of A Paradigm. The Current Crisis and the Idea of Stateless Cities', Environment and Planning2011, Vol. 43, pp. 272-85


August  30 2016 - Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Pretoria

January 28 2014 - Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid

June 3 2011 - Doctor honoris causa, Helsinki University, Finland

May 29 2010 - Doctor  honoris causa, Linnaeus University, Sweden

March 2010 - Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences, UK

September 21st 2007 - Doctor honoris causa, Roskilde University, Denmark

2004- 2008 - Chairman  of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Mannheim-based European Network of Excellence on European Governance, CONNEX

1989-1991 - The only representative of the social sciences on the Cabinet Advisory Council on Research, Sweden.

1985 - Simon Senior Research Fellow, University of Manchester, England 

Listed in Who´s Who from 2007,  The Contemporary Who´s Who?  From 2003, in One Thousand Great Scientists, in the Dictionary of Eminent Social Scientists, and in the Swedish National Encyclopedia

Job Title:
Emeritus Professor , Wolfson College
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