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Sociology Research


Professor Jacqueline Scott trained at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor where she received her PhD in 1987. She has held a variety of survey related positions before joining the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (now HSPS) in 1994. Jackie was the Director of the Detroit Area Study, from 1989-1990; and Director of the ESRC Centre on Micro-Social Change, at the University of Essex from 1990-1994, where she was responsible for the initial design and implementation of the British Household Panel Study (now Understanding Society). Jackie was a Guest Professor, Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen (ZUMA). Mannheim, Germany (1993, 2005).

From 2004-2010 she was the Director of the ESRC Research Priority Network on Gender Inequalities in Production and Reproduction. This was the largest research multi-disciplinary network of its kind in the UK. Jackie co-ordinated projects across eight British universities that investigated different aspects of the way women and men’s roles and lifestyles have changed. The common goal of the Network was to understand why gender inequalities remains one of the most pressing social issues of our time and to identify ways that greater equality may be achieved.

Jackie currently chairs the scientific advisory board of the European Social Survey and she continues her interest in survey methodology and the substantive contribution surveys can made to understanding inequalities both across nation and time.

Research Interests

Jackie's research interests focus particularly on gender inequalities and changing gender roles; changing family and household structures; inter-generational relations; generational shifts in attitudes and behaviours and life course processes. She also studies survey methodology, with a particular interest in longitudinal and cross-national survey design and how surveys can be used to explore the reproduction of inequalities across gender and generations. Current research projects include one on the relationship between education and (in)fertility , and another on residential mobility and family change.



SOC5: Statistics and Methods

SOC12: Social Problems in Modern Britain

MPhil in Sociology: Elements of Social Inquiry

Graduate supervision availability and interests:

Jackie is available to supervise a range of MPhil and PhD Students and welcomes inquiries from graduate students and post docs interested in working in her areas of expertise. Recent PhD students have undertaken research on a wide range of topics including: Changing attitudes towards marriage in Taiwan; Ethnic intermarriage and family orientation;  Changing fertility patterns in the UK and Belgium; Family change  in Chile; Wellbeing for women in mid-life; Children’s experiences of bullying. 

Students have received funding from sources such as the ESRC and the Gates Foundation. She has also mentored several post docs who have received funding from sources including the ESRC; Leverhulme; Newton Trust; British Academy and EU Marie Curie.  

Current Doctoral students:

Julieta Palma

Suen Johan

Key Publications - Books

Treas, J, Scott J and Richards, M. (eds) 2014. The Wiley Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families. 2nd Edition (completely revised) Wiley Blackwell. 

Scott, J., Dex, S. and Plagnol, A. 2012. Gendered Lives: Gender Inequalities in Production and Reproduction. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham. 

Scott, J., Crompton, R. and Lyonette, C. 2010. Gender Inequalities in the 21st Century: New Barriers and Continuing Constraints. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham. 

Scott, J., Dex, S. and Joshi, H. 2008. Women and Employment: Changing Lives and New Challenges. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham 

Key Publications - Book Chapters

Jacqueline Scott and Anke C. Plagnol (2012) Work-family conflict and well being in Northern Europe. Chapter 7 in Gendered Lives, Gender Inequalities in Production and Reproduction. Edited by Jacqueline Scott, Shirley Dex and Anke C. Plagnol

Key Publications - Journal Articles

Scott, J., 2010. ‘Quantitative methods and Gender Equality’, in special issue of International Journal of Social Research Methodology ‘ Feminism Counts’, Vol 13 (3): 223-236. 

Scott, J. 2004 “Family, Gender and Educational Attainment in Britain: A Longitudinal Study” Journal of Comparative Family Studies, vol 35:4, 565-89. 

Scott, J. 1998 “Generational Changes in Attitudes to Abortion: A Cross-National Comparison”. European Sociological Review, vol 14,2:1-14. 

Scott, J., D Alwin and M Braun. 1996 "Generations and Changing Sex-Role Attitudes: Britain in a Cross-National Perspective" Sociology, vol 30: 471-492. 

Buck, N and J. Scott 1993 "She's Leaving Home, But Why? An Analysis of Young People Leaving the Parental Home" in Journal of Marriage and the Family, 55: 863-74. 

Schuman, H. and J. Scott 1989 "Generations and Collective Memories." American Sociological Review, vol 54, 359 381

Grants and Projects

Scott, J. 'Practicing Gender equality in science' (Prages) - EU FP7 - £74,821 

Scott, J. 'Gender aspirations of young people and SET careers' - Nuffield, 2010, £7,584

Job Title:
Emeritus Professor, Fellow of Queens' College
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