Saide Mobayed Vega is a researcher interested in the intersections between human rights, violence against women, digital technologies, and data. In her PhD dissertation, Saide traces how feminicide is recounted by zooming in on global practices of data collection and local data activism with a focus on Mexico. At Cambridge, Saide is also a researcher and impact evaluator for The Whistle, a project that develops digital tools to connect witnesses of human rights violations to advocacy organisations. In 2017, she co-founded the Femi(ni)cide Watch Platform with the UN Studies Association.
Research Interests
Sociology of knowledge, digital sociology, critical data studies, data feminism, digital methods, science and technology studies (STS), sociology of human rights.
Module Lecturer (‘Data Collection Methods with and through Digital Technologies'), MSt in International Relations and MPhil in Sociology, University of Cambridge, September 2022 and February 2023
Module Lecturer, HRTS 531 Feminicides / Femicides Course, University of Arizona, September 2022
Supervisor in SOC3, SOC6, SOC7, SOC12 Sociology papers, University of Cambridge, October 2020+
SOC3. Modern Societies (2022)
SOC6. Advanced Social Theory (2020-2022)
SOC7. Media, Culture and Society (2021-2022)
SOC 12. Empire, Colonialism, Imperialism (2021)
Seminar Lecturer, University of Hamburg (SS 2019): ‘Contesting Violence against Women: Feminist Interventions in Global International Relations’
Key Publications - Books
Dawson, Myrna and Saide Mobayed Vega, eds. 2023. The Routledge International Handbook on Femicide and Feminicide, Routledge.
Key Publications - Book Chapters
All in Dawson, Myrna and Saide Mobayed Vega, eds. 2023. The Routledge International Handbook on Femicide and Feminicide, Routledge :
- Mobayed Vega, Saide. 2023. ‘A Global Archaeology of Femi(ni)cide’.
- Mobayed Vega, Saide, Sonia M. Frías, Fabiola de Lachica Huerta, and Aleida Luján-Pinelo. 2023. ‘Feminicide in Mexico’.
- Dawson, Myrna and Saide Mobayed Vega. 2023. ‘Femicide/Feminicide: A Growing Global Human Rights Movement’
- Zecha, Angelika, Naeemah Abrahams, Karine Duhamel, Cristina Fabré, Alejandra Otamendi, Alejandra Rios Cazares, Heidi Stöckl, Myrna Dawson, and Saide Mobayed Vega. 2023. ‘Data Sources and Challenges in Addressing Femicide and Feminicide’.
- Collectif Féminicides Par Compagnons ou Ex; Feminizid Map; Gatwiri, Kathomi; Hasanova, Savia; Kapushenko, Anna; Malysheva, Lyubava; Mobayed Vega, Saide; Mugeni, Audrey; Page, Rosalind; Ramírez Ramírez, Ivonne; Suárez Val, Helena; Wilcox, Dawn and Aimee Zambrano Ortiz. 2023. ‘Feminicide and Data Activism’.
- Illesinghe, Vathsala, Ahora Que Sí Nos Ven, Femi(ni)cide Watch Poland,, Observatorio de Feminicidios, Observatorio feminicidios Colombia - Red feminista antimilitarista, Shalva Weil, Myrna Dawson, and Saide Mobayed Vega. 2023. ‘Femicide/feminicide Observatories and Watches’.
Key Publications - Journal Articles
Mobayed Vega, Saide. 2022. ‘Recontar Feminicidios. Activismo de Datos en México’ in Fernández de la Reguera, Alethia and Fabiola de Lachica Huerta (eds), 25N Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia contra la Mujer. Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas (IIJ), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Mobayed Vega, Saide. 2020. ‘Comparing Femi(ni)icide: The Perils of Turning Data into Action’, in Hemblade Helen and Helena Gabriel (eds), Femicide XIII: Data Collection. United Nations Studies Association Vienna.
Key Publications - Other
López-Padilla, Isabel; Mobayed, Saide; Chambon, Laurie. 2018. ‘Georreferenced Maps on Violence against Women in the State of Nuevo Leon’. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Mexico.
Mobayed, Saide. 2017. ‘Female Genital Mutilation and Early Marriage in Kenya: The Local Response to Global Norms’. Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals.
Mobayed, Saide. 2016. ‘Mobilizing Transnational Gender Politics in Post-Genocide Rwanda’. Feminist and Women’s Studies Association (FWSA).
Grants and Projects
Co-Applicant, UK Research and Innovation Economic and Social Research Council Impact Acceleration Fund (ESRC IAAs) (December 2021—November 2022). Name of Impact Project: ‘A Messaging Chatbot to Support Refugees’ Documentation of Human Rights Violations in UK Asylum Accommodation’, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
PhD Supervisor
Media Articles
Research Groups & Affiliations
Assistant Editor, Big Data & Society (December 2022+)
Tierra Común (2022+)
Cambridge University Mexican Society (University of Cambridge), (2020+)
UN Studies Association Vienna (UNSA), (2019+).
PhD Scholarship (2019+), CONACYT and Cambridge Trust, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Best Master Thesis (2017), Erasmus Mundus Cohort in Global Studies (2015—2017). Title of the dissertation: ‘Lost in the Transnational: A Global Archaeology of Femicide/Feminicide’
Master’s Degree Scholarship (2016—2017), DAAD Country-related Cooperation Programme with Mexico: CONACYT Master, University of Leipzig, Germany
B.A. International Exchange, (2012—2013), Foundation UNAM-Alfredo Harp Calderoni Excellence Scholarship; Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität, Munich, Germany