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Sociology Research


Sebastian holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Cambridge. Grounded in phenomenology, hermeneutics and pragmatism, his thesis proposes a framework to account for crises and their transformative powers. In critical dialogue with different theories of practice, culture and time and with recourse to empirical findings in sociology, anthropology and social psychology, his doctoral research lays the theoretical foundations for a research programme to investigate how crises transform culture and institutions, as well as practical, biographical and historical self-understanding. In his thesis, he applied this framework to to the coronavirus crisis and the transformations of lifestyles and life plans, cultures of work and workplaces; to the climate crisis, the changing views of humanity and time associated with the notion of Anthropocene, and the emergence of practices of sustainability; and to migration crises (in the context of the Andes, in particular) and transformations on the notions and practices of belonging, boundaries of ethnicity and principles of citizenship. In the future, he aims to refine his framework through a comparative study of constituent moments and constitutional processes as collective mechanisms of crisis responses, and by applying it to the so-called masculinity crisis.

Sebastian is interested in social, political and sociological theory, phenomenology and its uses across the social sciences, pragmatism, hermeneutics, and in the intersections of philosophy and sociology on the concepts of experience, self, temporality, morality, and normativity.

Research Interests

social theory; sociological theories of culture; theories of time and temporality; the history of sociological thought and intellectual history; sociological theories of practice, habits and reflexivity; crises and social change; qualitative methods; interdisciplinary approaches; uses of philosophy in sociological research


Undergraduate Supervision:

SOC1, SOC 2 and SOC6


(2024) On the Uses of Phenomenology in Sociological Research: A Typology, some Criticisms and a Plea. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour.
(2023) Max Weber and Charles Taylor: On Normative Aspects of a Theory of Human Agency. Journal of Classical Sociology. 23(1), 97–136.
(2022) The ‘Normative Turn in Sociological Theory: Sociology’s Garden of the Forking Paths. Civic Sociology 3 (1): 55639. doi: (with Daniel Chernilo – co-first authorship)  
(2020) The Time of the Human: Temporality and Philosophical Sociology. Distinktion. Journal of Social Theory. 21: 1, 103-11. (with Filipe Carreira da Silva)

(2020) ¿Otro Giro en la Teoría Social? El Giro Normativo y la Sociología Filosófica. Theorein. Revista de Ciencias Sociales. 5: 7-17
(2019) Debatir el populismo: Lógicas, afectos y ciclos de conflictividad. Introducción al número temático. Theorein. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 4: 7-21 (with Jorge Daniel Vásquez)
(2018) Crisis y Crítica. Introducción al número temático. Theorein. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 3: 7-14  

(2017) Dualismo/antidualismo: dos tipos de relacionalidad en la teoría sociológica contemporánea. Theorein. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 1: 99-142



Academic Interviews
(Forthcoming) Max Weber contra Neoliberalism: A Conversation with Wendy Brown. Theory, Culture & Society
(2017) (with Burgum, S. & Vasquez, J.) Redoing the demos? An interview with Wendy Brown, Theory, Culture & Society. 34 (7-8): 229-236
(2017) Gramsci y la centralidad de las Clases Sociales. Una conversación con Jorge Luis Acanda. Cálamo. Revista de Estudios Jurídicos. 6: 88-98.
(2017) ¿Existe tal cosa como la sociedad? La promesa de la sociología en tiempos neoliberales. Entrevista con Nicholas Gane. Theorein. Revista de Ciencias sociales, 1(2): 129-152.


Book Reviews
(2024) Lehmann, D. (2022) After the Decolonial. Cambridge: Polity Press. Journal of Latin American Studies
(2017) Brown, W. (2016) El Pueblo Sin Atributos: La Secreta Revolución del Neoliberalismo. Madrid: Malpaso Ediciones. Theorein, 1(2): 153-161.

Grants and Projects

Raza Mejia, S. 2018-2022. Doctoral Scholarship, SENESCYT, Ecuador.

Research Groups & Affiliations


Junior Research Fellowship. Danish Institute for Advanced Study (£3000)

Raza Mejia, S. 2018-2022. Doctoral Scholarship, SENESCYT, Ecuador.

Job Title:
Research Affiliate, Selwyn College
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