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Sociology Research


Tom Kissock is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of Cambridge. He holds a BA from the Metropolitan Film School and an MSc in Globalisation and Latin American Development from University College London. He has over a decade of international experience working in terrestrial and online broadcasting that has influenced his research into video activism, NGOs, and live human rights documentation in Latin America focusing specifically on indigenous groups in the Brazilian Amazon.

Research Interests

Video as Evidence, Narrowcasting, Digital Activism, Sociology of Human Rights, and Indigenous Media


Book Chapter
Kissock-Mamede, T. (2023). Indigenous Livestreaming in Brazil: A Methodological Case for Reflective Distant Witnessing. In T. Masenya (Ed.), Digital Preservation and Documentation of Global Indigenous Knowledge Systems (pp. 262-281). IGI Global.

Media Articles

Kissock-Mamede, T. and Gatehouse, T. (2022) Brazil: Mariana disaster victims get their day in courtLatin American Bureau. Available at: 

PhD Supervisor

Research Groups & Affiliations

Job Title:
Indigenous Livestreaming as Knowledge Production: Exercising Citizenship and Informing Distant Witnesses of Environmental Rights, Supervisor: Dr Ella McPherson
Tom Kissock