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Sociology Research



Jung Chen. (2024) We are family: Taiwanese gay fathers’ strategic normalisation decision-making in transnational reproduction. NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies. Online first: 2 February 2024.


Blog: A Sociological Critique of the Relationship Between Social Media and Activism in the Repeal Movement. (

Christel Lane and M. Pilar Opazo , ‘From ethnic to high-end cuisine: Recategorization and status change in restaurants in global cities’. Cultural Sociology on line June 2023
Available at

Christel Lane and M. Pilar Opazo, ‘Constructing tastes: The role of culinary intermediaries in the process of reverse cultural globalization’. Food Culture and Society (forthcoming)

Global Cuisines: the reversal of flows of culinary knowledge and chefs from the global periphery to the centre. With Pilar Opazo. Under consideration by Routledge US.

Ilaria Michelis (2023). Contesting Gender: Young Women and Feminist Generations in Gender-Based Violence Services. Journal of Gender Studies 0(0):1–13. DOI: 10.1080/09589236.2023.2186840.

Jamie J. Hagen, Ilaria Michelis, Jennifer Philippa Eggert & Lewis Turner (2023). Learning to say ‘no’: privilege, entitlement and refusal in peace, (post)conflict and security research. Critical Studies on Security, DOI: 10.1080/21624887.2023.2208902

Li, L and Avendano, M., 2023. Lone parents' employment policy and adolescents’ socioemotional development: Quasi-experimental evidence from a UK reform. Social Science & Medicine. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.115754

Sazana Jayadeva (2023) ‘Study-abroad influencers’ and insider knowledge: how new forms of study-abroad expertise on social media mediate student mobility from India to Germany, Mobilities, DOI: 10.1080/17450101.2023.2220944

Wiegand Cruz, P. (2023). The changing social gradient of marriage and cohabitation in seven Latin American countries. Social Science Research, 113, 102898.


Gerry QC, F. R., Proudman, C., Rowland, A. G., Home, J., & Walton, K. (2020). Why it is time for an FGM Commissioner–practical responses to feminised issues. Family Law Journal, (2020), 1317-1327.

Masing, A., 2022. Di Mana Bumi Dipijak, Di Situ Pelangi Dijunjung: Migration West and the Spatio-Temporal Configuration of Queer Malaysian Identities in London. Whatever. A Transdisciplinary Journal of Queer Theories and Studies, 5, pp.23-42.

Proudman, C. (2022). Female Genital Mutilation: When Culture and Law Clash. Oxford University Press.

After the Decolonial: Ethnicity, Gender and Social Justice in Latin America, Cambridge Polity Press, 2022

Dorschel, Robert (2022): Reconsidering Digital Labour: Bringing Tech Workers into the Debate. New Technology, Work and Employment, 37(2), 288-307.

Gasparri, G., Tcholakov, Y., Gepp, S., Guerreschi, A., Ayowole, D., Okwudili, É., Uwandu, E., Iturregui, R., Amer, S., Beaudoin, S., and M. Sato. (2022). “Integrating Youth Perspectives: Adopting a Human Rights and Public Health Approach to Climate Action,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(8): 4840,

Hamilton, M., E. McPherson and S. Srinivasan.  2022. ‘”Deal with Me, Here I Stand!”: Presence, Participation and the Equal Protection of Online Assemblies.’ In F. Viljoen, C. Fombad, D. Tladi, A. Skelton and M. Killander, eds.  A Life Interrupted: Essays in Honour of the Lives and Legacies of Christof Heyns.  Pretoria: Pretoria University Law Press, pp. 327-46.

Huang, H. (2022), Doctors’ orders: The making of status hierarchies in an elite profession. By Jenkins, Tania M., New York: Columbia University Press. 2020. pp. 352. $120 (hbk); $30 (pbk); $29.99 (ebk). ISBN: 9780231189354. Sociol Health Illn.

Liu, HY (forthcoming) Book Review: Positive non-intervention: the old China hands in the British Hong Kong government. Hong Kong Journal of Social Science. [In CHN]

Liu, HY (2022) Book review: Martial Arts Cinema and Hong Kong Modernity: Aesthetics, Representation, Circulation. Global Media and China. [Online First] DOI: 10.1177/20594364221081323.

Liu, HY (2022) ‘When nobody listens, go online’: The ‘807’ labour movement against workplace sexism in China’s tech industry. Gender, Work and Organization. [OnlineFirst] DOI: 10.1111/gwao.12859.

Liu, HY (2022) Digital Taylorism in China’s e-commerce industry: A case study of internet professionals. Economic and Industrial Democracy. [OnlineFirst] DOI: 10.1177/0143831X211068887

Liu, HY (2022) The role of the state in influencing work conditions in China’s internet industry: Policy, evidence, and implications for industrial relations. Journal of Industrial Relations. [OnlineFirst] DOI: 10.1177/00221856211068488.

Pissaride, I. (2022, August 9). Identities in Liminal Spaces [Online]. The Sociological Review Magazine.

Liu, R., 2022. “In the Face of Instability and Marginalisation in a Gendered Craft Industry: Self-Realisation and Resilience of the Self-employed Craftswomen in Jingdezhen, China”, International Journal of Business Anthropology 12 (2): 67-77.

Liu, R., 2022. “Drifting in China's Porcelain Capital: Self-Realization and Alternative-seeking of the Self-Employed Craft Workers in Jingdezhen”, Asian Anthropology

Sato, M. (2022). “A Digital Turn: Asian Gendered Resistance during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 21(3): 303-310,


Farah, A. (2021, December 14). Between Homeland and Host Land: Has ‘diaspora’ outlived its use in how we see evolving communities? [Online]. The Sociological Review Magazine.

Christel Lane and M. Pilar Opazo, ‘Collaboration and competition in cultural fields: High-end non-core cuisines in global cities”. Food Culture and Society, 25, 5. 2021.

‘Ritual, text and politics: The evangelical mindset and political polarisation’ in A Horizon of (Im)possibilities: A Chronicle of Brazil’s Conservative Turn, ed. K. Hatzikidi and E. Dullo (London, University of London Press, 2021.) pp. 103–120.

David Lehmann, "The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God and the Reconfiguration of Religion," Brésil(s) [Online], 20 | 2021, online 30 November 2021, accessed 21 October 2022. URL:; DOI

(with Peter Walsh) ‘Academic Celebrity’ International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, 34, 21–46 2021  

Gerry QC, F. R., Rowland, A., Proudman, C., Home, J., & Ali, H. (2021). FGM–health, law, education and sustainable goals through upstream and downstream approaches.

Liu, HY (2021) ‘Moderating the world in a global pandemic: In conversation with Professor Sarah Roberts’, in Wahal, E (ed.) Unboxing AI. Milano: Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

Liu, HY (2021) South Asians in “Asia’s World City”: Post-Colonial Identity Struggles and Artistic Self-Representation in Hong Kong. Culture and Local Governance 7(1-2): 1–16.

Liu, HY (2021) Book review: Invisible Labour: Support Service Workers in India’s Information Technology Industry. British Journal of Industrial Relations 59(4): 1159–1160

Lewis Hood, K. 2021. In the ‘fissures of infrastructure’: poetry and toxicity in ‘Garbage Arcadia.’ Environmental Humanities, 13(1): 136-58, doi: 10.1215/22011919-8867241.

Lewis Hood, K. 2021. Bugbear. London: Veer2

Liu, Z (2021) Sociological Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence: A Typological Reading. Sociology Compass. [Featured in Montreal AI Ethics Institute website, winner of Wiley Top Cited Articles 2021-22]

Williamson, P J & Liu, Z (2021) Why It’s Time to Think about Copying Chinese Innovators. Ivey Business Journal. [Featured in Business WeeklyCambridge IndependentCJBS Brain Food]


Dorschel, Robert (2020): A Field Theoretical Discovery of the Tourism Industry. In: Pietzcker, Dominik/Vaih-Baur, Christina: Ökonomische und Soziologische Tourismustrends. Strategien und Konzepte im globalen Destinationsmarketing. Springer, Wiesbaden, pp. 29-44.

Home, J., Rowland, A., Gerry, F., Proudman, C., & Walton, K. (2020). A review of the law surrounding female genital mutilation protection orders. British Journal of Midwifery, 28(7), 418-429.

Liu, HY (2020) Book Review: The state and labourers in China. Hong Kong Journal of Social Science 55(2020): 153–157. [In CHN]

Lewis Hood, K., and Keogh, T. 2020. ‘Besides cramped currents...’ in Sledmere, M., & Williams, R. (Eds.) (2020). The Weird Folds: Everyday Poems from the Anthropocene.

Lewis Hood, K., and Sledmere, M. 2020. infra·structure. Carmarthenshire: Broken Sleep Books

Liu, Z (2020) Between Business and Morality: Cultural Politics in Independent Bookshops in China. Journal of Cultural Economy, 13(4): 461–474

McPherson, E., I. Guenette Thornton and M. Mahmoudi.  2020.  ‘Open Source Investigations and the Technology-Driven Knowledge Controversy in Human Rights Fact-Finding.’ In A. Koenig, S. Dubberley and D. Murray, eds. Digital Witness: Using Open Source Information for Human Rights Investigation, Documentation and Accountability. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 68-86. [International Studies Association Human Rights Section’s 2021 Prize for Best Paper]

O' Shaughnessy, A., 2017. Analysing the abortion rights debate as a question of ‘body theory’. Junctions: Graduate Journal of the Humanities, 2(1), pp.25–36. DOI:


Güzel, Hande. 2019. "Review of the book Gender and HIV in South Africa by Courtenay Sprague". Sociology of Health and Illness, 41. 619-621. 

Liu, HY (2019) (In)visible locales: Art spaces within marginalized communities in post-colonial Hong Kong. Kunstlicht 40(3): 66–75.

Liu, HY (2019) Book Review: The Disappearing Product: Marketing and Markets in the Creative Industries. International Journal of Cultural Policy 25(4): 543–545.

Liu, Hong Yu. (2019). Migrant workers in the digital market: China’s platform economy. Asia Dialogue, University of Nottingham Asia Research Institute

Proudman, C. R., & Ekaney, K. (2019). Reviewing the law on travels bans in FGM cases. Family law, 49(11), 1305-1309.

Sapkota, L., Jihadah, L., Sato, M., Greijmans, M., Wiset, K., Aektasaeng, N., Daisai, A., and D. Gritten. (2019). “Translating Global Commitments into Action for Successful Forest Landscape Restoration: Lessons from Ing Watershed in Northern Thailand,” Land Use Policy 104063: 1-12,


Larsen, R. 29 June 2018. “Media Manipulation, Visibility, and Rights: Public Discussion Around the Right to Be Forgotten”. Presented at Media Manipulation, University of Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin University.

Larsen, R. 22 May 2018. “Data Colonialism and Data Protection Reform: Transnational Advocacy Networks in Latin America”. Presented at Data Justice Conference, Cardiff University.

Larsen, R., Oman, S., Tchilingirian, J. 16 February 2018. “Researching Think Tanks with Digital Methods and Data Sprints”. Presented at University of Amsterdam’s Digital Methods Winter School and Bath University’s On Think Tanks Conference.

Larsen, R. 28 October 2017. “Mapping Dynamic Media Ecosystems: A Case Study of the Right to Be Forgotten”. Presented at Dubrovnik Media Days, Digital Intermediaries and Media Pluralism.

Thang, Leng Leng & Suen, Johan. (2018). “Policy approaches to aging in Singapore: Tackling the limits of the family in supporting seniors”, in Wei-Jun Jean Yeung, Shu Hu, (eds.) Family and Population Changes in Singapore: A Unique Case in the Global Family Change. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 131-149.

Wang, S. (2018) Inching up and socio-economic differentiation: Exploring self-rated health of China’s rural-to-urban migrants from 2005 to 2015. American Journal of Health Behavior, 42(5):117-125.

Liu, Z. accepted for revise and resubmit. Independent Bookselling and Its Sociological Significance in the Digital Age. Sociology Compass.

Baert, P. and Morgan, M. (2018) 'A performative framework for the study of intellectuals', European Journal of Social Theory 21(3), pp. 322-329.

Booth, J. and Baert P. (2018) The Dark Side of Podemos? Carl Schmitt and Contemporary Progressive Populism (London: Routledge).

Dow, Katharine. 2018. '"Now She's Just an Ordinary Baby": The Birth of IVF in the British Press'. Sociology. Published Online First 22nd February 2018. 

Lewis Hood, K. 2018. Clouding knowledge in the Anthropocene: Lisa Robertson’s The Weather and Caroline Bergvall’s Drift. Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism, 22(2): 181-96, doi: 10.1080/14688417.2018.1472029.

Nature and Ethics Across Geographical, Rhetorical and Human Borders, eds. Katharine Dow and Victoria Boydell (Routledge, 2018) 


Liu, Z (2018) Whither the Book Retailing Industry in China: A Historical Reflection. Publishing Research Quarterly, 34(1): 133–146.

Löblová, Olga. 2018. “Epistemic communities and experts in health policy-making”. European Journal of Public Health 28 (suppl_3):7-10.

McPherson, E.  2018. ‘Risk and the Pluralism of Digital Human Rights Fact-Finding and Advocacy.’ In M. Land and J. Aronson, eds.  New Technologies for Human Rights Law and Practice. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 188-214.

Liu, R., 2018, ‘The Formation and Transformation of the Civic Awareness of Wenzhou Immigrants in France’ (in Chinese), Collection of Overseas Chinese Studies (Volume: Europe). Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press. (with Rui, Chang., Yuanzhen, Mao.)

Vartabedian, J. (2018), Brazilian Travesti Migrations: Gender, Sexualities and Embodiment Experiences (Palgrave Macmillan, Series ‘Gender and Sexualities’).


'How is the EU like the Marvel Universe? Legal Experientialism and Law as a Shared Universe’ (2017) Law and Literature

Suen, Johan & Thang, Leng Leng. (2017). Contextual Challenges and the Mosaic of Support: Understanding the Vulnerabilities of Low-Income Informal Caregivers of Dependent Elders in Singapore. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 33(2), pp. 163-181

‘Steven M Wise and the Common Law Case for Animal Rights: Full Steam Ahead’ (2017) 30(2) Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence 287, with Pambos K

‘From Dialogue to Disagreement in Comparative Rights Constitutionalism' (Stephenson S, Federation Press 2016)’ [2017] Public Law 337, with Eastaugh C

K. Dow 2017. ‘“The Men who Made the Breakthrough”: How the British press represented Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards in 1978’. Reproductive Biomedicine and Society Online 4: 59-67.

Bacevic, J., Muellerleile, C. (2017). The moral economy of open access. European Journal of Social Theory. DOI:

Ahmad, M. & Mehmood, R. (2017): Surveillance, Authoritarianism, and ‘Imperial Effects’ in Pakistan, Surveillance and Society.

CARPENEDO, M.; Nardi, H. C. (2017) Maternidade Transnacional e produção de subjetividade: as experiências de mulheres Brasileiras imigrantes vivendo em Londres. [Transnational motherhood and the production of subjectivity: experiences of migrant women from Brazil living in London] Cadernos Pagu (Brazil) n 49 e174912

‘A política do reconhecimento: teoría e prática’ in Maria Gabriela Hita (ed.): Raça, racismo e genética em debates científicos e controversias sociais. Salvador, EDUFBA 2017.

M. Murtagh, J. Minion, A. Turner, B. Wilson, M. Blell, C. Ochieng, B. Murtagh, S. Roberts, O. Butters, P. Burton. (2017) The ECOUTER methodology for stakeholder engagement in translational research. BMC Medical Ethics. Volume 18, Number 1, Page 1. DOI: 10.1186/s12910-017-0167-z.

McPherson, E. 2017. ‘Social Media and Human Rights Advocacy.’ In H. Tumber and S. Waisbord, eds. The Routledge Companion to Media and Human Rights, London, UK: Routledge, pp. 279-88.

McPherson, E. and T. Probert.  2017. ‘Special Procedures in the Digital Age.’  In A. Nolan, R. Freedman & T. Murphy, eds. The United Nations Special Procedures System. Boston, MA: Brill, pp. 261-70.

Morgan, M. and Baert, P. (2017), ‘Acting Out Ideas: Performative Citizenship in the Black Consciousness Movement’, American Journal of Cultural Sociology, OnlineFirst,

Morgan, M. and P.Baert (2017) 'I act how I like: Performative citizenship within the Black Consciousness Movement'. In: American Journal of Cultural Sociology.

Page, T. 2017. Vulnerable writing as a feminist methodological practice. Feminist Review, 115: 13-29

Page, T. A reflection on vulnerable methods of research. Feminist Review Blog. 2 May 2017. Available at:

Page, T. Imperial College and Culture Change. 5 January 2017. The 1752 Group Blog. Available at:

Susen, S. and Baert P. (2017) The Sociology of Intellectuals (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan).

Thompson, J.B., Avramopoulou, E. and Pasquetti, S., ‘Suffering: The Human and Social Costs of Economic Crisis, in Manuel Castells et al. (eds.), Europe’s Crises (Cambridge: Polity, 2017), pp. 148-77.

Vartabedian, J. (in preparation), Travesti Geographies. Bodies, sexualities and Brazilian travesti migrations (under contract with Palgrave Macmillan, Series ‘Gender and Sexualities’).

Vartabedian, J. (2017), ‘Bodies and desires on the Internet: An approach to trans women sex workers’ websites’, Sexualities, OnlineFirst publication, DOI: 10.1177/1363460717713381. 

Vartabedian, J. (2017), ‘Travestis brasileiras no mercado (trans)nacional do sexo: algumas idéias para descentrar’ [‘Brazilian travesti sex workers in the (trans)national sex marketplace: some ideas to decentre’], BAGOAS - Estudos gays: gêneros e sexualidades, 11(17), Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, pp. 63-92.


Ontita, M. K., Ooko, G. A., Mwangi, A. M., Andago, A. A. (2016). Knowledge and Practice of Essential Care among Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants in Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya. Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary. Volume 4. Issue 8.

(Edited) The Crisis of Multiculturalism in Latin America, New York, Palgrave, 2016

Arsenii Khitrov (2016). “Representations of the Police in Contemporary Russian Police TV Series: The Case of Glukhar’.” Journal of Communication Inquiry 40, no. 2: 179–95. 

Bro, Naim, and Asiya Islam (2016). “Táhirih unveiled: poet, theologian and revolutionary.” openDemocracy, 24 October 2016

'Introduction' in David Lehmann (Ed.): The Crisis of Multiculturalism in Latin America, New York, Palgrave, 2016 pp.1-34

'The Politics of Naming: Affirmative Action in Brazilian Higher Education' in David Lehmann (ed.): The Crisis of Multiculturalism in Latin America, New York, Palgrave, 2016 pp.179-222

'The Religious Field in Latin America: Autonomy and Fragmentation' in The Cambridge History of Religions in Latin America (Eds Virginia Garrard-Burnett, Paul Freston and Stephen C. Dove) 2016, pp 739-763

L. Wacquant (2016) Body and Soul: Notebooks of An Apprentice Boxer (expanded edition). Oxford University Press

Morgan, M. (2016) ‘The Responsibility for Social Hope’, Thesis Eleven: Critical Theory and Historical Sociology, Vol. 136, no. 1, pp. 107-123.

Sparkes, M. (2016). Teaching through leadership. The Sociology Teacher, 5(3), 10-15

Spratt, T. (2016) “I Identify as a black woman”: The Strange Case of Rachel Dolezal, King’s Review

Vartabedian, J. (2016), ‘Beauty that Matters: Brazilian travesti sex workers feeling beautiful’, Sociologus: Journal for Social Anthropology 66(1), special issue on Manufacturing Beauty, Grooming Selves: The Creation of Femininities in the Global Economy, pp. 73-96.

Yopo Díaz, M. 2016. El tiempo de las mujeres en Chile: repensar la agencia. Revista de Estudios Sociales 57: 100-109.


‘Beyond the Forms of Faith: Pacta Sunt Servanda and Loyalty’ (2015) 16(5) German Law Journal 1163

Desai, M. 2015. ‘Hegemony and Ambivalent Subjectivity: Caste and Generation in Western India,’ in Roy, S. and A. Nielsen (eds.) Rethinking Subaltern Studies. Oxford and New Delhi: Oxford University Press, pps. 1-19.

‘Convergencias y divergencias en la educación superior intercultural en México’, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, LX, 223, 133-170, 2015.

Duschinsky, R. & Brown, D.-M. (2015) ‘Place and Defilement’ Space & Culture, 18(3): 243-256

Duschinsky, R. & Wilson, E. eds. (2015) Engaging with the Work of Lauren Berlant, special issue of the International Journal of Politics, Culture & Society, Volume 28, Issue 3.

Gonzalez Hernando, M. (2015) British think-tanks and their public interventions after the financial crash. In: Ciofalo, Giovanni, Di Stefano, Antonio and Leonzi, Silvia (eds.) Power and communication: Media, politics and institutions in times of crisis. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 99-116.

M. Castells (2015) Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age. Cambridge: Polity

McPherson, E., 2015. ‘Digital Human Rights Reporting by Civilian Witnesses: Surmounting the Verification Barrier.’ In R. A. Lind, ed. Produsing Theory in a Digital World 2.0: The Intersection of Audiences and Production in Contemporary Theory. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing, pp. 193–209.

Living with difference: community, diversity and the common good. A national report of the commission on religion and belief in British public life (7 December 2015)

Morgan, M. and P. Baert (2015) Conflict in the Academy; A Study in the Sociology of intellectuals. London: Palgrave. 

Pralat R (2015) Repro-sexual intersections: Sperm donation, HIV prevention and the public interest in semen. Reproductive Biomedicine Online 30(3): 211–219.

Vartabedian, J. (2015), ‘Towards a carnal anthropology. Reflections of an “imperfect” anthropologist’, Qualitative Research, 15(5), pp. 568-582.

Wagemann, E.; Devilat, B.; Brablec, D.; Stuardo, M. and Soza, C. (2015). ChileGlobal Seminars UK 2013-2014. ChileGlobal Seminars UK.

Whitley, L., and Page, T. 2015. Sexism at the centre: Locating the problem of sexual harassment. Special issue on sexism. New Formations, 86: 34-53


‘To Make a House a Home: Best v Chief Land Registrar’ (2014) 4 Conveyancer & Property Lawyer 351 (3422)

‘Louder Than Words: Acceptance by Conduct of Unilateral Offers’ (2014) 23 Nottingham Law Journal 20

Bro, Naim (2014). “Outside of the Box: Bahá’ís and Education in Iran.” The Cambridge Globalist Magazine, Second Issue, March 2014

Gboyega Salvador-Adebayo, Lekan Ogunbanwo, Rafiu Babatunde Kassim, Muhammed Tobiloba Alakitan (2014). Directory of Parastatal Organisations and Government Owned Companies & General Hospitals in Lagos State- April 2014 | Request PDF. (2014). ResearchGate; ResearchGate.

Vartabedian, Julieta (2014), ‘Sobre travestis, clientes y maridos: género y sexualidad en la construcción de las identidades de travestis brasileñas trabajadoras del sexo’ [‘Some thoughts on travestis, clients and husbands: gender and sexuality in the construction of the identities of Brazilian travesti sex workers’], Revista de Antropología Social, 23, Complutense University of Madrid, pp. 237-261.

Vartabedian, J. (2014), ‘Migraciones trans: travestis brasileñas migrantes trabajadoras del sexo en Europa’ [‘Trans Migration: Brazilian travesti migrant sex workers in Europe’], Cadernos Pagu, 42, Center for Gender Studies, State University of Campinas, Brazil, pp. 275-312.

Weinberg, Darin. 2014. Contemporary Social Constructionism: Key Themes. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press. Winner of the 2018 Melvin Pollner Prize awarded by the American Sociological Association's Section on Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis. Reviewed in: British Journal of Sociology, Sociology


Antoine, C., Brablec, D., Montalva, D. (2013). Transparencia y Control en el Uso de los Recursos Públicos para el Financiamiento de la Cultura Chilena. Libertad y Desarrollo.

Bro, Naim (2013). Book Review: “Remaking Modernity”. Journal of Sociology of the University of Chile, N° 28, January

Carvalho, T. (2013). Obstáculos de classe à cidadania em Portugal (Class obstacles to citizenship in Portugal). In Carmo, R.M. do (Ed.), Portugal uma Sociedade de Classes: Polarização Social e Vulnerabilidade (p. 63-78), Lisbon: Edições 70/Monde Diplomátique.

Garretón, M. A. and Naim Bro (2013). Sociology in Latin America. Does historical Sociology exist? American Sociological Association. Global and Transnational Sociology Newsletter. Global Review vol. 3, issue 3 Summer 2013


'Institutions, Change and Diversity' (with G.T. Wood), Capitalist Diversity and Diversity within Capitalism. Edited with G. T. Wood. Routledge 2012

Almeida, A. N. de, Delicado, A., Alves, N.A. & Carvalho, T. (2012). As TIC em casa: contextos e desigualdades (ICT at home: contexts and inequalities). In Almeida, A.N. de (ed.), Infância, crianças e internet: desafios na era digital (p. 179-215). Lisbon: Fundação Gulbenkian

Khitrov, A (2012). “Irony about Tragedy: The Onion’s treatment of 9/11.Topos 2: 153–67.

Brablec, D., Bellolio, A. (2012). Encuesta de Corrupción 2012: Resultados en Niveles Estables. (2012). Libertad y Desarrollo.

Bro, N.; Fuentealba, R. (2012). Ciudades, territorios y desarrollo rural en la Región de O’Higgins. Working Paper N° 104, Rimisp, Santiago, Chile

McPherson, E., 2012. ‘How Editors Choose Which Human Rights News to Cover: A Case Study of Mexican Newspapers.’ In T. A. Borer, ed. Media, Mobilization, and Human Rights: Mediating Suffering. London, UK: Zed Books, pp. 96–121.

Thompson, J.B.  Merchants of Culture: The Publishing Business in the Twenty-First Century (Cambridge: Polity, 2010), 432pp + viii.  Second edition, expanded and updated, published in 2012 (New York: Penguin; Cambridge: Polity). Translated into Portuguese, Greek, Chinese, Korean and Russian.


(edited with Humeira Iqtidar) Fundamentalist and Charismatic Movements, Four Volumes. London, Routledge 2011

Antoine, C., Brablec, D. (2011). Políticas Culturales: La Acción del Estado y la Sociedad de Oportunidades. Libertad y Desarrollo

Maturana, C., Brablec, D., Oliva, D. (2011). Balance Anual al Poder Legislativo del año 2010. Corporación Humanas.


Arsenii Khitrov (2010). “Belarusian Format: An Invisible Reality. Review.” Review of Belarusian Format: An Invisible Reality, edited by Almira Ousmanova. Russian Journal of Communication 3 no. 3/4: 313–315. 


National Capitalisms, Global Production Networks.With Jocelyn Probert. OUP 2009


Berthoud, R. and Iacovou, M. (2004). Social Europe: Living Standards and Welfare States. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

The Information Age trilogy:

  1. Castells, Manuel (1996). The Rise of the Network Society, The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture Vol. I. Cambridge, MA; Oxford, UK: Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-631-22140-1.
  2. Castells, Manuel (1997). The Power of Identity, The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture Vol. II. Cambridge, MA; Oxford, UK: Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-4051-0713-6.
  3. Castells, Manuel (1998). End of Millennium, The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture Vol. III. Cambridge, MA; Oxford, UK: Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-631-22139-5.


The Internet Galaxy, Reflections on the Internet, Business and Society. Oxford, Oxford University Press (2001)

Manstead, A.S.R. and Fischer, A.H. (2001), “Social appraisal: The social world as object of and influence on appraisal processes”, in K.R. Scherer, A. Schorr and T. Johnstone (eds), Appraisal Processes in Emotion: Theory, Research, Application, pp. 221-232, New York: Oxford University Press.


L. Wacquant and P. Bourdieu (1992) An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology. Polity and University of Chicago Press


(Edited) Ecology and Exchange in the Andes, Cambridge University Press, 1982


Development Theory: Four Critical Studies. London, Frank Cass, 1979


Agrarian Reform and Agrarian Reformism. London, Faber and Faber, 1974


Organizational Size and Worker Behaviour, Cambridge University Press (1970)