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Sociology Research


The Culture and Politics Research Group (CPRG) brings together scholars interested in power, conflict, and ideas. CPRG's aim is to build a collaborative community of scholars.

CPRG is a space for postgraduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty members.  Participants meet roughly four times a term in person to discuss the impact of selected readings on their research and thinking. They also consider joint projects and share ideas.
Texts discussed are published or developing studies of power relations in culture and politics.  Subject matter includes:

  • the role of ideas and intellectuals,
  • ideological groups and social movements,
  • popular opinion and the public sphere,
  • revolution and political change,
  • war and social violence.



  • The group meets four times a term.
  • Term card with details of meetings circulated in advance.
  • Participants read a pre-selected text before each meeting. The text can be a published academic article, book chapter, or drafts by group members.
  • Occasionally, the group invites a guest speaker.
  • Discussions are open, rigorous, and challenging.


Convenor and contact

Click here to join the CPRG mailing list.

For more details on participation and involvement, please contact the convener, Santiago Vargas-Acevedo


Upcoming Meetings

Future meetings will be listed here.


Image: 'Change the Politics' by Joanna Penn [CC BY 2.0