This EC-funded research project assessed how grassroots citizen scientists in three world regions (East Asia, Western Europe, Central Africa) mobilize new data devices and technologies to tackle environmental threats; and how formal institutions respond to citizen-driven environmental data practices. With concerned stakeholders, it addressed the challenges and pitfalls that emerge in these processes with the aim of developing mutually responsive environmental data governance approaches. The project was led by Dr Michiel Van Oudheusden and supervised by Prof Jennifer Gabrys, who also led the AirKit proof-of-concept project. For further information, please visit the GRACE website.
Funding: H2020-MSCA-IF-2018 (836989)
Duration: 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2022
Contact: mpv28@cam.ac.uk
Research Theme: Science & Technology
Image Credit: Hans Boeykens