CCTL Researcher-Led Events Grant
The Sociological Review Grant 2025 (for organising the symposium; 'Movement in (Ethnographic) Method: Space, Time and Theory)
Research Network Grant by Centre for Research in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), University of Cambridge
Junior Research Fellowship. Danish Institute for Advanced Study (£3000)
CBRL Postgraduate Grant
National Geographic Explorer Grant
SCSC Research Grant
2024: ‘Thinking between decolonization and anti-racism: the case of Nkrumah’. British Academy/Leverhulme Small Grant (£10,000)
2024: ‘Theorizing global fields: the case of the de-Americanisation of Pan-Africanism’. Cambridge Humanities Research Grants Scheme (£14,000)
Sparkes, M. (PI) Addressing mortgage prisoners’ plight: A path to financial freedom.
Policy Support Fund, Centre for Science and Policy, University of Cambridge (2024): £9,225
2024-2027: ‘Catalysts of Decolonization’. Research Lab funding through CRASSH (£10,000/yr)
2024: ‘Black sociology and anticolonial thought’. Parry Dutton Grant (£5,000)
Feb-Mar 2024 Visiting fellowship, ANU Australian Centre on China in the World, AUD 9,000
Dating Apps and Transforming Intimacies - British Academy
Fellowship, Princenton University, PLAS – Program in Latin American Studies (2024)
Third Party Funding, Margherita von Brentano Center, Seed Funding Grants for innovative projects in gender studies. Production of Podcast on Gender and Migration, with Ximena Alba & Karlotta Bahnsen (2023)
Institute for Humane Studies (IHS)
IHS - Graduate Sabbatical Grant
(2023) Wolfson Research Network funding for REACH Research hub.
Department of Sociology, the University of Cambridge
Cambridge Writing Up Bursary
Understanding the impact of higher education expansion policy on women’s empowerment (2023-26); Funded by the British Academy; Principal Investigator: Dr Liming Li
The Annette Lawson Charitable Trust
Gonville & Caius College Graduate Academic Grant
University of Cambridge Fieldwork Grant
UCCL Grants
2022, Fulbright: research at Harvard University, (USA)
Guangzhou Concord Medical Humanities Research and Education Fund
CSC-Cambridge Scholarship
Sparkes, M. (PI) Credit scores as 'codes' to markets and mobilities.
Cambridge Humanities Research Grants University of Cambridge (2022): £4,050
2022-2025: Co-PI, “Race Trouble. Decolonizing race andracial inequality in postcolonial Portugal” (2022.04225.PTDC) exploratory research project, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology,Portuguese Ministry for Science, Technology and Higher Education. PI: Sofia Aboim. Funding awarded: €49.981,65.
2022 Black Town & Gown: The historical legacy of Black presence in the city of Cambridge (funded by CRAASH)
Indian Association for Women’s Studies Research Grant 2022
"The disbandment of Hong Kong’s largest pro-democracy union coalition in 2021"
at the Philomathia Social Science Research Symposium, Murray Edwards College, University of Cambridge (29 June – 1 July 2022)
Co-Lead, ‘End Everyday Racism’ Project. University Diversity Fund (2022): £1,497.80
2022/07 – 2023/06
Academia Sinica
Academia Sinica Fellowships for Doctoral Candidates in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Co-Lead, ‘End Everyday Racism’ Project. University Diversity Fund (2022): £1,497.80
2022/07 – 2022/12
Sino-British Fellowship Trust (SBFT)
SBFT Grant
2022: University of Bristol School of Management General Research Funding Grant (value: £4288) to fund 'Gig Rights Project'.
2022/04 – 2022/06
United Nations University (UNU)
UNU-IIGH Global Health PhD Fellowship
Third Party Funding, DFG - German Research Foundation, Focus Funding COVID-19 Impact of the coronavirus pandemic in the Global South. Project on Paraguayan Border Cities, with Sérgio Costa (2021/2022)
Fellowship, Mecila - Maria Sibylla Merian Centre: Conviviality-Inequality Latin America, Founded by BMBF - Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research (2021)
Cambridge Political Economy Society Trust
In 2021, Jess joined The Royal Foundation to work on developing new trauma support for Emergency Responders across the UK.
Cambridge Political Economy Society Trust (2021)
Translation project:
Chinese translation of "Alienation Is Not ‘Bullshit’: An Empirical Critique of Graeber’s Theory of BS Jobs." by Soffia, M, Wood, A and Burchell, B (Work, Employment and Society, 2021.
DOI:10.1177/09500170211015067), published on Stand News.
Colfuturo Doctoral Scholarship, Bogotá, Colombia.
2021-2022: Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge
Trinity Hall Research Grants (2021)
Chinese translation of "Alienation Is Not ‘Bullshit’: An Empirical Critique of Graeber’s Theory of BS Jobs." by Soffia, M, Wood, A and Burchell, B (Work, Employment and Society, 2021.)
Principal Investigator, ‘A Messaging Chatbot to Support Refugees’ Documentation of Human Rights Violations in UK Asylum Accommodation.’ ESRC Impact Acceleration Account, University of Cambridge (2021-22): £19,771.52
“The State of the Hong Kong Labor Movement”, Nordic Asia Podcast Available at: https://nias.ku.dk/nordic-asia-podcast/podcasts/the-state-of-the-hong-ko... (2 July, 2021)
Principal Investigator, ‘A Messaging Chatbot to Support Refugees’ Documentation of Human Rights Violations in UK Asylum Accommodation.’ ESRC Impact Acceleration Account, University of Cambridge (2021-22): £19,771.52
2021: ‘The Black British Voices Project.’ Isaac Newton Trust (£50,000)
Indian Association for Women’s Studies Research Grant 2021
Co-Applicant, UK Research and Innovation Economic and Social Research Council Impact Acceleration Fund (ESRC IAAs) (December 2021—November 2022). Name of Impact Project: ‘A Messaging Chatbot to Support Refugees’ Documentation of Human Rights Violations in UK Asylum Accommodation’, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Looked-after children: impact of the Adoption Support Fund and mental wellbeing in British adoptive families’ (2021-22); Funded by What Works for Children’s Social Care (1188350); Principal Investigator: Dr Liming Li
2021: BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grant (value: £10,000) to fund ‘Gig Rights Project’.
2021/01 – 2021/12
Universities’ China Committee in London (UCCL)
UCCL Doctoral Research Grant
HelpAge International and the Samuel Centre for Samuel Connectedness (2020), “Understanding
Social Connectedness Among Older People in Low and Middle Income Countries,” Moldova.
University of Cambridge Covid-19 response fund. A rapid and reliable assessment method for screening mental health and wellbeing in job centres in the United Kingdom: A Computerised Adaptive Testing (CAT) response to the mental health impacts of Covid19 related job-loss. CO-I with Professor Peter Jones and Dr Jan Stochl
Applied Research Collaboration (ARC), NIHR East of England, Mental health over the life course. Researcher
2020-21: Partnership, Impact and Collaboration Grant for conference ‘Memories in transit’, Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement, University of Cambridge.
UKRI 2019-20 QR Strategic Priorities Fund (QR = Quality Related) 'Attacks on Syrian healthcare workers: establishing an academic-policy network'. PI with Centre for Global Human Movement.
Magdalene College Graduate Tutors Grant for PhD fieldwork in Benin
Sparkes, M. (PI) The Dame Anne Warburton Research Award: Lucy Cavendish College (2020):
2020: Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge
Desai, M. (PI) Gendered Violence and Urban Transformation in India and South Africa. ESRC Large Grant (2020-2023): £1.76m
2020: Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS), School of Advanced Study-University of London, Events Grant Scheme-Podcast Series, “The Cultural Politics of Reproduction in Latin America"
2020, Centre for Research in the Arts , Social sciences & Humanities (CRASSH): Conference Support Funding 2021/22, Black Voices of Resistance.
Gabrys, J. (PI) Smart Forests: Transforming Environments into Social-Political Technologies. ERC Consolidator Grant (2020-2025): €1.99m
Sep 2020-Mar 2024 British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship, salaries and research expenses
Virgin Unite
STEAM Education for Women in Afghanistan based at Lucy Cavendish College
Gibraltar Scholarship Grant 2020
2020: 'The Global roots of Black sociology'. Cambridge Humanities Research Grants Scheme (£1425).
HelpAge International and the Samuel Centre for Samuel Connectedness (2020), “Understanding
Social Connectedness Among Older People in Low and Middle Income Countries,” Moldova.
Geelan, Torsten. 2012 Scholarship: Oticon Foundation (value: £3,000)
American Sociological Association AMTF Award– “After Tahrir: Processes of Demobilization in the 2011 Egyptian Revolution” – $990 (May 2019)
Rotary International
Rotary Global Grant Scholarship
Miller, J. (PI) Funding for trauma resilience research (2019- 2022). Police Care UK (formerly Police Dependants’ Trust): £397,404.
University College London (UCL)
UCL Hong Kong Scholarship Fund
2019: Society for Latin American Studies, Conference and Seminar Grants: Seminar Series and Reading Groups for “The Cultural Politics of Reproduction in Latin America”
2019: 'A new Black consciousness? Anti-racism among the Black elite in South Africa and the United States'. Cambridge Humanities Research Grants Scheme (£13,657.20)
Cambridge Political Economy Trust (CPEST) Grant 2019 and 2020
Trauma Resilience in UK Policing (https://www.policingtrauma.sociology.cam.ac.uk)
Trinity College Rouse Ball Research Grant (2019)
In 2019 and 2020, I helped co-design and co-teach the “Social IT” Solutions Workshop for Computer Science and Engineering students at the Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT) in Tanzania and at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) in Salvador, funded by the Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab (J-WEL) and by the MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives, respectively. The goal of both workshops was was to incorporate the humanities, social sciences and artistic thinking into the STEM curriculum while addressing the sustainable development goals.
Kolopp Sarah, New Investigator Grant (2019-2022), “Governing Public Virtue. ‘Conflict of Interest’ in Comparative Perspective” £296,772
Bacevic, J. 2019. Cambridge Political Economy Trust grant, "Political epistemology of critique" (February-July)
2019 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship (total value: $70,000 CAD per annum)
*award declined
Geelan, Torsten. 2019 Research Development Award, College of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Leicester (value: £3,300)
Geelan, Torsten. 2019 Workshop Grant, School of Business, University of Leicester (value £2,500)
2019: Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness, Conference Travel Grant
Van Oudheusden, M. and Gabrys, J. (PI) GRACE - Grassroots Citizen Science for Global Data Environments Project. European Commission (EC) Marie Curie Award (2019-2021): €224,934
2019: Global Challenges Research Fund, University of Kent: International Conference for “The Cultural Politics of Reproduction in Latin America”
2019-2022 Wellcome Trust PhD Studentship
Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship (Principal Investigator) – “Resistance to Populism” – ~£185,000 (September 2019-2022)
2018/04 – 2018/09
University of Warwick
Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IALT) Student as a Producer (Research) Fund Award
British Sociological Association Early Career Grant– “Symbolic Objects in Contentious Politics” – £1000 (October 2018)
European Union, Swedish International Development Agency, and RECOFTC (2018-2019), “A
Social and Gender Analysis of Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade: Opportunities and Risks in the Illegal Timber Supply Chain in Xayaboury Province,” Laos.
Gabrys, J. (PI) AirKit. European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept Grant (2018-2019): £150,000
European Union, Swedish International Development Agency, and RECOFTC (2018-2019), “A
Social and Gender Analysis of Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade: Opportunities and Risks in the Illegal Timber Supply Chain in Xayaboury Province,” Laos.
Researcher for Social Sciences Level I, CONACYT - National Council of Science and Technology, Paraguay (since 2018)
Scholarship, DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service, Congress participation - 18th ILERA World Conference in Seoul, South Korea (2018)
‘Emerging evaluative cultures: The assessment of research in policy knowledge fields’, (2018-2019), British Academy and Leverhulme Small Grant (£10,000).
The University of Warwick
Opportunity Fund Award
2018: Faculty Research Group Support, Centre for Research in Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities (CRASSH), University of Cambridge, for “International Black Radicalism”
Technologies of Desire, funded by the Leverhulme Trust and the Isaac Newton Trust (2018–2022)
2018: Simon Bolivar Fund, Centre for Latin American Studies, University of Cambridge
Page, T. (Senior Personnel) Faculty and Staff Sexual Misconduct: An International Conference to Identify Barriers, Develop Resources and Recommendations, and Build Community. National Science Foundation (2018-2019): US$96,930
2018 “Becas Chile” Scholarship Program, Call 2018, for eligible DPhil Degree Programs at foreign universities, awarded by the National Commission of Scientific and Technological Research of the Republic of Chile (CONICYT)”, and covering full funding to pursue the “DPhil in Sociology” at the University of Cambridge until September 2022.
2018: Queens’ College, University of Cambridge, Travel Grant
‘The digital performativity of populism: the politics of charisma, ordinariness, and spectacle’ – Awarded to Dr Angelos Kissas – Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) – postdoctoral fellowship (2018-2019 for £106,050).
Raza Mejia, S. 2018-2022. Doctoral Scholarship, SENESCYT, Ecuador.
Yildiz, Y. Y. October 2018 - March 2019 Entente Cordiale Postdoctoral Fellowship
Prince Claus Foundation, Hivos and the European Cultural Foundation ‘Force of Art’ research award for the “Contemporary Art in Eurasia: Civil Society, Art Activism and State in a Comparative Perspective” for the completion of manuscript research, 2018.
Page, T. (CI) What universities can learn from workplace policies on preventing sexual misconduct. British Academy/Leverhulme Small Research Grant (2018): £9,966
Political Economy Research Fellowship, ISRF, April 2018 - March 2019
Riksbankens Jubileumsfoun, The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences Communication Projects grant to organize a workshop and facilitate special issue production on “Power in Central Asia” conceptual theme, 2018.
Page, T. (CI) Analysis of secondary data on staff sexual misconduct in UK higher education. University of Portsmouth grant (2018): £6877.16
GCRF / RCUK Research for Health in Conflict (R4HC) 2018 - 2022. The political economy of health in the Arab region. CO-I and lead of the political economy of health component. 650K.
Cambridge Political Economy Society Trust: The employment dosage: How much work is needed for health and wellbeing? CO-I with Dr Brendan Burchell and Dr Daiga Kamerade
Carreira Da Silva, F. (PI) Rethinking Populism. Portuguese Ministry for Science, Technology and Higher Education - Foundation for Science and Technology (2018-2020): €208,000
2018, Heritage Lottery Fund. The 70th anniversary of arrival of the Empire Windrush 1948: an educational text. Port of Tilbury Riverside project.
Zhang, R. Full scholarship from China Scholarship Council
Technologies of Desire, funded by the Leverhulme Trust and the Isaac Newton Trust (2018-2022)
Cambridge Commonwealth, European and International Trust PhD scholarship
2017/07 – 2017/09
University of Warwick
Workplace (Placement) Bursary
National Research University Higher School of Economics. Grant from the Young Faculty Support Programme in category “Future Professoriate” to cover visiting fellowship at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. “Representations of the police in contemporary Russian TV series: the case of Glukhar’”. 01/08/2014–15/09/2014. £2,000.
New School for Social Research Conference Grant – “Autonomous Self-Organization in Egypt’s Revolutionary Crowds” - $1000 (April 2017)
Travel Grant (2017), Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness
Miller, J. (PI) Funding for trauma resilience research (2017- 2019), University of Cambridge: £111,225.
‘Alternative Measures of Impact in Multilateral Agencies: The Potential for Knowledge for Sustainable Human Development’, (2017-2019), ESRC Future Research Leader grant and Isaac Newton Trust grant (£214,000).
2017-21: British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship
Scholarship, International Research Group Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Summer Academy Labour, Rights and Mobility in Buenos Aires, Argentina (2017)
Yopo, M. Programa Centre for Latin American Studies (CLAS) University of Cambridge, Chile Projects, February 2017 - April 2017
Burchell, B & Annor, F. Self-employment and family life: A study of workers in Ghana's informal sector. Cambridge-Africa Alborada Research Fund (2017): £6000
2017-2019, EU-Marie Curie Fellowship: Post doctorate Fellowship, Newcastle University (U.K.)
Tsinghua University
Full Summer Exchange Scholarship
Page, T. (CI) Developing intersectional approaches to challenge sexual harassment and violence in universities. HEFCE Catalyst grant (2017-2018): £43,000
Reagen-Fascell Democracy Fellowship, National Endowment for Democray, October 2017 - March 2018
2017: Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness, Conference and Travel Grant
Kandil, H. (PI) The Military Origins of Freedom and Oppression. Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study Pro Futura Fellowship (2017-2020): £198,797
Cambridge Principal Investigator, ‘ChainReact: Making Supplier Networks Transparent, Understandable and Responsive.’ Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action (2017-19): €2.5m in total, £333,000 at Cambridge
2017: Queens’ College, University of Cambridge, Travel Grant
Coutts, A. (PI) Putting evidence into policy: The health and wellbeing impacts of Active Labour Market Programmes in the United Kingdom. The Health Foundation (2017-2019).
Murray Edwards College Gateway funding for the study of Italian (2017)
2017: Simon Bolivar Fund, Centre for Latin American Studies, University of Cambridge
Ushiyama, R. (PI) The survival and reproduction of historical revisionism in Japanese public discourse: 1996-present. The British Academy (2017-2019): £228,390.
"Anne McLaren and Translation: a 10th anniversary conference”, Wellcome Trust and the Anne McLaren Fund
Graduate Research Grant (Department of Sociology, Cambridge)
Cambridge Commonwealth, European & International Trust, Cambridge-Africa Scholarship, 2017-20.
Trinity College - Cambridge, Honorary Trinity-MCSC Scholarship 2017-18.
Moreno Figueroa, M. (PI) Latin American Antiracism in a ‘Post-Racial’ Age. ESRC (2017-2019): £1,005,035
2017 Cambridge Political Economy Society Trust, awarded for research excellence, £2,000
Hogarth, S. (PI) CancerScreen: Screening for cancer in the post-genomic era: diagnostic innovation and biomedicalisation in comparative perspective. European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant (2017-2021): £903,167
Blell, M. (PI) Nuclear Families: Understanding the experiences of the test veterans community. British Nuclear Test Veterans Association (2017): £5630.
2017 HCB Grant, Research Talent for PhD proposal development
University of Amsterdam, Department of Anthropology
2016-2017 Amsterdam Merit Scholarship
Principal Investigator, ‘Ethics and Governance of Autonomous Systems and Machine Learning in the Digital Society.’ School of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Fund (2016-2018): £39,282
PhD Fellowship (2016-2017), Orient Institut Istanbul
Yopo, M. Programa University of Cambridge, Santander Mobility Grant, September 2016 - December 2016
Desai, M. (PI) Comparative Study of Gendered Violence: India and South Africa. School of the Humanities and Social Sciences (2016-18): £67,845
Graduate Research and Fieldwork Fund (2016-2017), Murray Edwards College
Desai, M. (PI) Colonial State-Building and Development Trajectories within India. Cambridge Humanities Research Grant (2016): £11,563
Fazekas, M., Curbing corruption in development aid-funded procurement, British Academy and UK's Department for International Development funded research project, 2016-2017, co-investigator. Budget: 398 275 GBP
ESRC Overseas Institutional Visit Grant – “Mobilization Beyond the Movement: Contention, Affinity and Convergence in New York, Cairo and Paris” - £2400 (April 2016)
Stubbs, T. 2016-19 Co-Investigator, Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga ($485,000) (PIs - Mohi Rua & Darrin Hodgetts).
Hammond, Kathleen. Fondation Brocher visiting fellowship, 2016
Yildiz, Y. Y., March 2016 Travel grant, Selwyn College, University of Cambridge
The James Ferris Grant– “Mobilization Beyond the Movement: Contention, Affinity and Convergence in New York, Cairo and Paris” - £1600 (May 2016)
Stubbs, T. 2016 University of Waikato, Research Trust Contestable Fund ($5,000).
Doctoral Fellowship, International Research Training Group Between Spaces. Movements, Actors and Representations of Globalization, Freie Universität Berlin Germany (2016-2019)
Yopo, M. Programa University of Cambridge, Santander Mobility Grant, September 2016 - December 2016
Irdam, D. Gates Cambridge - MPhil in Modern Society and Global Transformations.
Cambridge University Political Economy Society; PhD Funding; July 2016, £1500
Garima Sahai, Rajiv Gandhi Cambridge Trust Scholarship, 2016-2019
Irdam, D. Gates Cambridge - PhD in Sociology.
McPherson, E. PI (2016-17), ‘Ethics and Governance of Autonomous Systems and Machine Learning in the Digital Society: Bid Preparation Project,’ School of the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Support Fund (£39,282)
2016 “Becas Chile” Scholarship Program, Call 2016, for eligible Master’s Degree Programs at foreign universities, awarded by the National Commission of Scientific and Technological Research of the Republic of Chile (CONICYT)”, and covering full funding to pursue the “MPhil in Sociology and Demography” at the University of Oxford until June of 2018.
Murray Edwards College travel grant (2016-2017) for field research to Cote d’Ivoire
Yildiz, Y. Y. June 2016 Supplementary Funding, Cambridge Political Economy Society
2016 Seton Cavendish Fund Grant, Downing College, Cambridge
Cambridge Commonwealth, European and International Trust Three-year Full PhD scholarship
Professor Blackburn has received numerous grants from SSRC, ESRC, NSF(USA), EEF, Nuffield Foundation, 'Gourmets', SSHRC(Canada), ILO and UN.
2016: Santander Mobility Grant, Fieldwork-Mexico City
Williams, K. (PI) Alternative Metrics of Impact in Multilateral Agencies: The Potential for Knowledge for Sustainable Human Development. ERSC and Isaac Newton Trust (2016-2018): £173,618 & £16,209
Moreno Figueroa, M. (PI) Becoming Black: gender, racism and representation in the Costa Chica, Mexico. Cambridge Humanities Research Grant Scheme (2016): £17,000
Zhang, L. Queens' College Travel Grant , January 2016, £300
Competitive Cambridge International & Leslie Wilson Scholarship by Cambridge Trust and Magdalene College Cambridge. 2016–2019. 100% of the University Composition Fee and maintenance allowance £14,296 per year.
Mottier, V. Debating Homosexuality in Uganda: The case of members of parliament. Cambridge Africa Alborada Fund (2016-2017): £5680
“What do we do when we do nothing? A history of laziness”. Cambridge Humanities Research Grants Scheme 2015/16.
Moreno Figueroa, M. (PI) Institutional racism and the logics of the contemporary Mexican state. British Academy Newton Advanced Fellowships (2016-2018): £73,952
2016, ESRC Sponsorship Social Science Festival: Reggae-on sea: Southend on-sea the Dub capital of Europe. (Application 8519398).
Sefat, K. 2016: Cambridge Political Economy Society, University of Cambridge (write-up/dissertation grant; value: £4,000).
Zhang, L. Cambridge PhD Bursary, October 2015, £500.
Zobel, M. ESRC Studentship co-funded by Pembroke College, Cambridge (2016 to 2021).
Sefat, K. 2016: Iran Heritage Foundation (grant; value: £5,000).
Burchell, B. The Racing Foundation, ‘The quality of employment in horseracing industry’, September 2015 – August 2016, pilot funding £5,000
Men’s Attitudes to Intimate Life, funded by the British HIV Association and the Wellcome Trust (2015-2018)
Cambridge International Scholarship (2015-2018), Cambridge Trust
2015-2016 Amsterdam Merit Scholarship
Tiffany, A. Woolf Institute/Cambridge Trust Scholarship, October 2015-October 2018
Burchell, B. (PI) Self-employment programmes for young people: a review of the context, policies and evidence. International Labour Organisation (2015): £15,000
National Research University Higher School of Economics. Grant from the Young Faculty Support Programme in category “Future Professoriate” to cover visiting fellowship at Harriman Institute, University of Columbia. “Public Perceptions of the Russian Police as Seen Through Online Commentaries by Police Dramas Viewers”. 01/05/2015–16/05/2015. £2,000.
Tiffany, A. Tuition Fees Spalding Trust, October 2015, £2000.
Burchell, B. (PI) A new method to analyse occupational gender segregation. European Commission (2015): £20,000
Bernhardt, L. ESRC Studentship, 2015-2018.
Güzel, H. Cambridge International Scholarship (2015-2018)
Yopo, M. Programa Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT), Chile and Cambridge Trust, PhD Scholarship, October 2015 - September 2019
Tiffany, A. Hillside Christian Church, 2015-2018, £2400 per year.
King, L., Principal Investigator, and Stubbs, T., Co-Investigator: “IMF Lending and Socio-Economic Development: The evolution and consequences of structural adjustment, 1985-2014” 2015-2017. Cambridge Political Economy Society Trust/Centre for Business Research Grant Competition. £300,000.
Abrams, B. International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP) Small Grant, “Community Indifference to Collective Problems: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Collective Action, Change, and Resistance” (with Dr Giovanni Travalignio and Dr Maria Ridda), March 3 2015, $4000
Kandil, H. The Philip Leverhulme Prize (2015-2018 for £100,000)
Spratt, T. ESRC Studentship, October 2015 - September 2018.
King, L. (PI), Fazekas, M., and Toth, B.: “The Digital Whistleblower. Fiscal Transparency, Risk Assessment and Impact of Good Governance Policies Assessed” Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Framework Programme, European Commission. 2015-2017. €3,026,360.
Mottier, V. Small Research Grant from Decanat SSP, University of Lausanne (2015).
Sun, X. China Scholarship Council.
Franklin, S. (PI) and van de Wiel, L., (CI) ‘Life in Glass’: a programme of public engagement. Wellcome Trust Provision Award (2015-2018): £222,999.00
Yildiz, Y. Y., November 2015 Visiting PhD fellowship, Centre for International Governance and Justice, Australian National University
Sun, X. Downing College Travel Fund Grant (May, 2015).
International Society of Political Psychology Small Grant - “Collective Action, Change, and Resistance” - $4,000 (March 2015)
Hammond, Kathleen. Marine Biological Laboratory History Project, 2015.
Yildiz, Y. Y., April 2015 Funding for PHD summer school on memory and agency, COST Network, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
Yopo, M. Programa Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT), Chile and Cambridge Trust, PhD Scholarship, October 2015 - September 2019
Olga Zeveleva. Newnham College, Principal's Studentship, Award for 3 years of PhD study. Newnham College, University of Cambridge. 2015-2018.
Weatherhead Centre for International Affairs Research Grant (2015)
Yildiz, Y. Y., January – June 2015 Fieldwork funding, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge
Sancak, M. Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs; Mexican Government Scholarships for International Students; January- August 2015, £4000
Lamoreaux, J. Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities Small Grant, 2015.
Brablec, D., Aug. 2015 Fieldwork Scholarship. ‘Sociology Graduate Education Committee (GEC) fieldwork funding’
Bacevic, J. 2015-2018. Cambridge Commonwealth, European and International Trust PhD scholarship.
Brablec, D., Jul. 2015 Fieldwork Scholarship. ‘Fieldwork Grant’. Newnham College, University of Cambridge
Yildiz, Y. Y. November 2015 Visiting PhD fellowship, Centre for International Governance and Justice, Australian National University
Brablec, D., Jul. 2015 Continuing Research Studentship 2015-2016, Newnham College, Cambridge
Principal Investigator, ‘The Whistle: A Digital Platform for Citizen Witnesses of Human Rights Violations.’ Impact Acceleration Account, University of Cambridge (2015): £10,800
Yildiz, Y. Y. January – June 2015 Fieldwork funding, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge
Luther-Davies, P. Hughes Hall, Santander Bursary, 2015
Geelan, Torsten. 2015 Cambridge Political Economy Society Trust Emergency Funding (value: £1,000)
Pearson, A. ESRC Studentship, starting October 2015.
Chen, T. Chinese Scholarship Council, 2015-2019, 30000 GBP a year.
Men's Attitudes to Intimate Life, funded by the British HIV Association and the Wellcome Trust (2015-2018)
Burchell, B. ESRC Impact Acceleration Account, ‘Deepening the health and safety discourse on zero hours employment’, March 2015 – December 2015, £9,821
Barlee, D. 2015 - 2016: Board of Graduate Studies, University of Cambridge, fieldwork funding.
2015 Grant: ESRC Impact Acceleration Award based upon Alex Wood's PhD research (Principle Investigator: Brendan Burchell) (value: £9821.34).
Barlee, D. 2014 - 2015: Queens’ College, University of Cambridge, travel grant.
2014 Grant: Cambridge Political Economy Society Trust Supplementary Funding (value: £6,916).
Mottier, V. Swiss National Science Foundation, Co-Investigator with V. Barras and C. Kraus (P.I.), ‘Manufacturing Heterosexuality: The History of ‘Female Desire Disorders’ in Switzerland since the 1960s’, University of Lausanne, 2014-2016, CHF175'218 (=£125.000).
Suen, Johan. NUS-Tsao Foundation Ageing Research Initiative, Qualitative Study on Coping Strategies and Caregiving Arrangements of Lower-Income Households with Dependent Elderly, July 2014-March 2016, S$24,978.24
University of Cambridge Research Collaboration Grant – “Crisis and Social Change: Toward Alternative Horizons” –£2125 (2014)
Soffia, M. 2014-2018: CONICYT-Chile Cambridge full scholarship granted by the Cambridge Trust in collaboration with National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT, Chile), for doctoral studies abroad.
Yopo, M. Programa Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT), Chile. MPhil Scholarship, October 2014 - July 2015
Mulcahy, N. 2014 – 2017 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada): Doctoral Fellowship ($60,000 CAD)
Ahmad, M. Cambridge Commonwealth, European & International Trust, Cambridge European Scholarship, 2014-2017, University and College Fees.
Ahmad, M. Department of Sociology, Graduate Education Committee Funding, 2014-2017, Maintenance.
Blell, M. (PI):
Project: Intimate Objects - Digital co-creation and democratisation of sex toy design
Collaborator(s): Dr Sarah Winkler Reid (University of Bristol); Ms Cassie Robinson and Ms Natasha Carolan (creative industry partners)
Funder: Research & Enterprise in Arts & Creative Technology (REACT) Hub Prototype Funding
Funds received: £30, 000
Project end date: 31 November 2014
University of Cambridge Fieldwork Grant – “Beyond the Movement: A Relational Study of Social Movements” £7465 (May 2014)
Hammond, Kathleen. Embryo Project fellowship, Arizona State University, 2014.
Yopo, M. Programa Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT), Chile. MPhil Scholarship, October 2014 - July 2015
ESRC Language Training Grant – “Beyond the Movement: A Relational Study of Social Movements” £4465 (2014)
2014 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC) ‘Participation in international conferences for academics’
Sancak, M. The University of Cambridge; University Fieldwork Funds; October 2014- August 2015; £12000
School of the Humanities and Social Sciences Conference Grant – “Crisis and Social Change: Towards Alternative Horizons” - University of Cambridge £2125 (June 2014)
Principal Investigator, ‘Social Media, Human Rights NGOs, and the Potential for Governmental Accountability.’ ESRC Future Research Leader grant and Isaac Newton Trust grant (2014-17): £254,310
2014-16: from the Leverhulme Trust, for research entitled ‘Redrawing religious boundaries and identities: Messianic Jews and Christians’. (£22,000).
Thompson, J. B. Balzan Foundation, 'The Human and Social Consequences of Economic Crisis in Europe' (2014-2017), £112,414
Luther-Davies, P. Hughes Hall, Hughes Hall Bursary, 2014-2018
Brablec, D., Jul. 2014 Scholarship ‘CONICYT-Cambridge Trust Scholarship 2014’ for studying a PhD programme at the University of Cambridge
2014: Dissertation Field Research Travel Grant, Columbia University in the City of New York, Fieldwork-Puerto Rico
Geelan, Torsten. 2014 Cambridge Political Economy Society Trust Supplementary Funding (value: £6,916)
Zhang, L. Cambridge Fieldwork Fund, July 2014, £10,829
Zobel, M. German National Academic Foundation (2013-2015)
Zobel, M. Kurt Hahn Trust, Cambridge (2013-2014)
Bro, Naim. Full doctoral scholarship (2013-2017) - Conicyt Chile
Silva, F. C. A History of Sociology in Six Books. British Academy Small Research Grants of £9870. 2013-2015.
2013 Grant: University of Cambridge Overseas Fieldwork Funding (value: £1,340).
2013 Scholarship: ESRC Overseas Fieldwork Research Funding (value: £1,272).
Gabrys, J. (PI) CitizenSense: ‘Citizen Sensing and Environmental Practice: Assessing Participatory Engagements with Environments through Sensor Technologies’. European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant (2013-2018): €1.5m
ESRC Doctoral Training Grant – ~£60,000 (2013-2017)
Kandil, H. Cambridge Humanities Research Grants Scheme (2013-2014): £12,000
King, L. Principal Investigator: “The political economy of structural adjustment: IMF conditionality, 1986-2011”. 2013-2015. Institute for New Economic Thinking. $188,828
Dr Mottier has received conference funding from Crassh, University of Cambridge; the Wellcome Trust; the British Sociological Association; l’Institut Français (Oxford); and the Gender Identity Research and Education Society GIRES, U.K. (2013).
Hammond, Kathleen. Smuts Memorial Fund Study Grant, 2013/2014/2015.
Olga Löblová, International Visegrad Fund scholarship, 2014/15, 2013/14
Baert, P. (PI) Cooperation – socioeconomic sciences and humanities. EU Collaborative Project Programme, UK team (2013-16): €300,000
Kissas, A. ESRC doctoral training grant awarded (2013-2017 for £52,646, plus tuition fees)
Smietana, M. (PI) and Franklin, S (SD). SurrogARTs Project. European Commission (EC) Marie Curie Award (2013-2016): €239,282
Franklin, S. (PI) Fertilization Through the Looking Glass: a sociology of IVF in the late-twentieth century. Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award 100606/Z/12/Z (2013-2018): £992,748
Olga Zeveleva. National Research University Higher School of Economics, Basic Research Program. Research grant on "Migrants in receiving societies," conducted at the Laboratory for Political Studies, Higher School of Economics. 2013.
Franklin, S. (PI) IVF Cultures and Histories. ESRC Research Grant ES/LOO1209/1 (2013-2015): £30,327
Yildiz, Y. Y., December 2013 Travel grant, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge
Thompson, J. B. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, 'The Digital Revolution in Publishing' (2013-2017), $137,000
Yildiz, Y. Y., November 2013 Travel grant, Selwyn College, University of Cambridge
Franklin, S. 01/10/13-30/09/16 ‘(In)fertility, Education and Reproductive Health’ Philomathia Foundation, £200,000.00, Prof S Franklin and Prof J Scott, co-PIs
Yildiz, Y. Y., May 2013 Funding for PHD summer school on transcultural memory in Europe, COST Network, Copenhagen, Denmark
Yildiz, Y. Y. May 2013 Funding for PHD summer school on transcultural memory in Europe, COST Network, Copenhagen, Denmark
Smietana, M. Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, ‘Adoptions and fosterages in Spain: Tracing challenges, opportunities and problems in the social and family lives of children and adolescents’ (coordinated R+D research group project). 1 January 2013 – 31 December 2015.
Barlee, D. 2013 - 2016: Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Scholarship
Bagnoli, A. Wolfson College, Wolfson’s Worlds, academic year 2013/2014.
With the project Wolfson’s Worlds Anna investigated the needs of international students through an innovative methodology based on collage workshops.
“A History of Sociology in Six Books”. British Academy-Leverhulme Small Research Grant and Newton Trust Small Research Grant.
Hardy, V. Cambridge Commonwealth Trust, Cambridge International Scholarship, 2013-2016 (Full stipendiary scholarship)
Bagnoli, A. Cambridge Italian Research Network Seed Funding Grant, Picturing Identities, academic year 2013/2014.
Zhang, L. Cambridge Trust CSC Scholarship, October 2012- present.
2012-2014 Leverhulme Trust Fellowship project: ‘Identity, Emotions and Political Mobilization’.
CARPENEDO Manoela. Cambridge Trust, Capes-Cambridge Overseas Trust Scholarship, 2012 to present
Burchell, B. (PI) Gender and working conditions. European Foundation (2012): £30,000
Fazekas, M., ANTICORRP: “Anticorruption policies revisited. Global Trends and European Responses to the Challenge of Corruption” EU FP7 financed large-scale research project, 2012-2017, associate researcher with project partner Budapest Corvinus University. Budget: 10 395 386 EUR.
Soffia, M. 2012-2013: 'Becas Chile' full scholarship granted by the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT, Chile) for MSc studies abroad.
Bournemouth University Vice Chancellor’s Fee Waiver (2012)
‘Knowledge production across research contexts: Universities, think-tanks and government agencies in international development’, (2012-2016), Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan Award and Cambridge Overseas Trust (£97,000).
Bournemouth University Foundation Grants (2012- 2014) £25 000
Scholarship, DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service, Master studies at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany (2012-2014)
Santander Travel Grants (2012- 2014) £5000
trujillo, M. Full ESRC doctoral studentship (2012-2015).
Baert, P. (PI) The rise of French existentialism, 1944– 1947: a sociological explanation. Leverhulme Fellowship (2012-2013): £40,267
2012, Right Livelihood Campus, grant through DAAD, University of Bonn, Centre for Development Research (ZEF)
Miller, J. (PI) Research grant for PTSD, DNA & Spatial Processing. Army of Angels (2012-2013): £14,000
Hammond, Kathleen. Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Scholarship, 2012-2015.
Olga Zeveleva. National Research University Higher School of Economics, Postgraduate academic research stipend, 2012-2015.
Hammond, Kathleen. William Vaughan Lewis Research Award, 2012.
Franklin, S. (PI) The IVF History Project. British Academy Research Grant (2012): £25,000
2012: from the British Academy, for research on Judaism in the Pentecostal Imaginary (£10,000).
Hammond, Kathleen. Wolfson College Cambridge Conference Fund, 2012.
Brablec, D., Jul. 2012 Scholarship ‘Becas de Magíster en el Extranjero Becas Chile’ for studying a MSc programme at the University College London
Geelan, Torsten. 2012 University of Cambridge Oversees Fieldwork Funding (value: £2,220)
Hardy, V. Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Part Scholarship, 2011-2012.
Geelan, Torsten. 2011 Scholarship: Knud Hojgaard Foundation (value: £3,100)
Zhang, L. Heinrich Boell Foundation Scholarship, August 2011 - April 2013.
Bro, Naim. Principal Investigator (team of three): “Migration, elite formation, and development. Curicó and Talca in comparative perspective” (2011-2012). £1,000 (one million CLP). Initiation in Social Research Competition, University of Chile.
Gabrys, J. (CI) Sustainability Invention and Energy Demand Reduction: Co-Designing Communities and Practice. ESRC/RCUK Energy Research Programme (2011-2014): £974,133
Mulcahy, N. 2011 – 2012 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada): Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Master’s Scholarship ($17,500 CAD)
King, L. Principal Investigator: “The Impact of Privatization on the Mortality Crisis in Eastern Europe” 2011-2015. ERC Advanced Investigator Grant. European Research Council. €3,483,058.
Mulcahy, N. 2011 – 2012 Walter H. Johns Graduate Fellowship (University of Alberta) ($5,184 CAD).
2011-2015, DAAD scholarship, PhD Study, University of Hamburg
Baert, P. (PI) The rise of French existentialism, 1944–1947: a sociological explanation. British Academy Small Grant (2011-13): £6,750
Scott, J. 'Practicing Gender equality in science' (Prages) - EU FP7 - £74,821
van de Wiel, L., ASCA PhD Fellowship, Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, University of Amsterdam, 2011-2015, 0.8 fte salaried contract.
Hammond, Kathleen. Gates Cambridge Scholarship, 2011-2012.
Franklin, S. 15/06/11-14/02/12 ‘Final Deposit of 28 Interviews from Wellcome Funded Project History of Mammalian Developmental Biology in the UK’ Medical Humanities Small Grant 096679/Z/11/Z £6000.00, S Franklin PI, with Martin Johnson and Nick Hopwood Co-apps.
Miley, J. (PI) Immigrant Identities, Attitudes and Behaviour in the European Union. Cambridge Humanities Research Grants Scheme (2011-2013): £19,833
Sefat, K. 2011 to 2015: Cambridge Trust Foundation, University of Cambridge (full scholarship/studentship).
Hardy, V. Baxter and Alma Ricard Foundation Scholarship, 2011-2012, 2014-2015 & 2016-2017 (Variable amounts)
Sefat, K. Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship for Arabic (FLAS), University of Pennsylvania (value: $15,000).
Sefat, K. Penn Globalization Studies, University of Pennsylvania (research grant; value: $5,000) - University of Pennsylvania (Housing and Dining).
2010 Scholarship: ESRC 1+3 Studentship at the University of Cambridge (value: approx. £73,000).
Desai, M. (PI) Beyond Identity?: Markets and Logics of Democratization in Post-1991 India. Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant (2010-2013): £78,500
Garima Sahai, Bharat Petroleum Scholarship for Higher Studies, 2010-2012
Dow, K., ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship, Social Anthropology, University of Edinburgh, 2010-2011.
Olga Zeveleva. DAAD (Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst). Research grant on "Repatriation and transnational studies," conducted at Freie Universität Berlin. 2010-2012.
Scott, J. 'Gender aspirations of young people and SET careers' - Nuffield, 2010, £7,584
Collaborator, ‘Understanding the Dynamics of Urban Flexibility and Reconstruction.’ Research Award from the Future of Cities Programme at the University of Oxford, (2010-11): £45,000
Sancak, M. The European Commission; Jean Monnet Scholarship; October 2010- September 2011; £24000
van de Wiel, L., U21 Award, Celebrating Ageing Research, €1.250 HSP Huygens Talent Grant, Nuffic, 2010-2011, €26.100.
Sancak, M. Koç University; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; Postgraduate Award; August 2010; £800
van de Wiel, L., VSB Grant, VSB Fund, 2010, €3.500.
Geelan, Torsten. 2009 Grant for MPhil in Sociology at the University of Cambridge from the Danish Education and Research Ministry (value:
CARPENEDO Manoela. European Commission, Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, 2009 to 2011.
Watson, P. THE BRITISH ACADEMY, research project entitled: Critical Condition? Mental Health and Civil Society in Transitional Europe. 2009-2011
Competitive Erasmus Mundus Scholarship from the European Commission for the Erasmus Mundus MA programme. 09/2009–06/2011. University fees £37,657 for two years and maintenance allowance £22,414 for two years.
Sancak, M. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD); University Summer Course Grant; August 2009; £1000
Miley, J. Elites Políticas Autonómicas en España, Financed by Spain’s Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (Spring 2009-Fall 2010). P.I.: Francesc Xavier Coller Porta.
Scheiring, G. 2009-2012: Cambridge European Trust bursary: GBP 24,000;
Miley, J. Conflicto y consenso parlamentario: el caso de la España de las autonomías (1980-2010). Financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Inovacion (Spring 2009-Spring 2010). P.I.: Francesc Xavier Coller Porta.
“Broken Promises. The Political Origins of Socioeconomic Inequality in Portugal, 1960-2010”. Foundation for Science and Technology, Portuguese Ministry for Science, Technology and Higher Education.
Scheiring, G. 2009-2010: Cambridge Political Economy Society Trust bursary: GBP 5,000.
Scheiring, G. 2008: Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship (SYLFF): HUF 1,080,000.
Barlee, D. 2008 - 2010: University of Victoria Teaching and Research Assistantship funding grant.
2008-2009, MA Grant, MA Study in Linguistics Anglia Ruskin University-Cambridge
2008: from the British Academy, small grant (£2,000) to support a workshop run by the Religion and Secularism Network.
Franklin, S. 01/04/08- 31/03/10 'History of mammalian development in the UK: 1945-present' awarded to Professor Martin Johnson (PI), Professor Sarah Franklin and Dr Nick Hopwood, £20,016.00 Wellcome Trust History of Medicine Programme, Grant No. 084418.
Miley, J. Framing Attitudes towards Migration and Asylum: Effects of Immigration Politics and Policies in 15 EU Countries. Financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spring 2008 – Spring 2012). P.I.: Enric Martínez Herrera.
Franklin, S. 01/01/08 -01/12/08 Crossing Over - Arts Council of England (Grant for the Arts - £10,000) and Wellcome Trust (People Award Grant £26,975.00) Director and Curator: Catarina Albano
van de Wiel, L., Leonardo da Vinci Grant, European Union’s Lifelong Learning Programme, 2008, €5.385.
Sancak, M. The European Commission; Erasmus Mundus Programme Scholarship; January-July 2008; £4000
Franklin, S. (CI) Ethical Frameworks for Embryo Donation: the views, values and practices of IVF/PGD Staff. Wellcome Trust Biomedical Ethics Programme 081414/Z/06/Z (2007-2010): £199,005
Miley, J. Desarrollo de técnicas de docencia en la asignatura: Técnicas de investigación en Ciencia Política. Financed by the Junta de Castilla y León (Spring 2007 - Spring 2008). P.I.: Natalia Ajenjo.
“Social Rights in Portugal: Their Constitutionalization and Socio-economic Implications” (PTDC/CPO/71295/2006), funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology, Portuguese Ministry for Science, Technology and Higher Education.
Scheiring, G. 2007: University of Aberdeen, “Civil Society, Social Capital and Democracy” Post-Graduate Summer School scholarship.
Franklin, S. 01/07/07 – 31/07/08 Wellcome Trust Engaging Science Art Awards, ‘Future Mix: Transgenic Art Online’ (ArtAkt London, £18k, Principal Investigator Catarina Albano)
“Cities and Citizenship in Portugal” (PDCT/CPO/60414/2004), funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology, Portuguese Ministry for Science, Technology and Higher Education.
Franklin, S. The IVF-Stem Cell Interface: a sociology of embryo transfer. ESRC Senior Research Fellowship (2007-2009): £282,238
2007-2010 The Westfield Trust. Research project: Religious Diversity and National Identity in Britain and Spain.
Joint scholarships from Trinity College and Lomonosov Moscow State University for a research stay at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. 10/2007–12/2007. £1,500.
Bro, Naim. Undergraduate thesis: “Political identity in the Student Movement of 2006”. £1,000. Fondecyt N°1090127, (supervisor Dr Manuel Antonio Garretón), University of Chile.
2007-10: from the Arts and Humanities Research Council for a Network entitled ‘Secularism: a reappraisal of institutional arrangements for religious regulation’ (£20,000). Now known as The Religion and Secularism Network and run with Humeira Iqtidar .
Watson P. ISAAC NEWTON TRUST Co-funding for project entitled: Health Care Change in Transitional Europe: Polish Localities and Meta-Transformation, 2007.
Smietana, M. Government of Catalonia and European Social Fund, ‘Family-based affirmative action? Subversion and resilience strategies of gay father families’ (FI: Formació de Personal Investigador - Training of Research Staff). 1 January 2007- 31 December 2010, 50.000 EUR.
2007,University of Essex, International Research Fund. International Visiting Scholar in Residence: Faculty of African American Studies Yale University (USA).
Franklin, S. Declined MRC Research Award, ‘Generation of GMP human embryonic stem cell lines’(King's College London, £1,520,535m, Principal Investigator Professor Peter Braude).
Competitive Russian Government Scholarship for the research MA at Lomonosov Moscow State University. 09/2007–08/2008.
van de Wiel, L., Fulbright Scholarship, The Fulbright Program, 2006-2007, €10.000.
van de Wiel, L., HSP Huygens Talent Grant, Nuffic, 2006-2007, €23.785.
Scheiring, G. 2006: Schumacher College, International Development Course scholarship.
van de Wiel, L., AUV Grant, University of Amsterdam, 2006-2007, €550.
Scheiring, G. 2006: Scholarship to present “Eco-politics and the political anthropology of environmentalism in Hungary” at the Social Movements Studies Group, University of North Carolina (Chapel-Hill): USD 1,000.
Franklin, S. 01/09/06 – 31/08/09 Wellcome Trust Society Programme Research Grant ‘From Communication to Deliberation: Scientists Perspectives on Public Engagement’, Principal Investigator, (£220,757k).
CARPENEDO Manoela. Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg, BW Scholarship, 2006 to 2007
Desai, M. (PI) Ethnic Violence and State Formation in Western India. British Academy Research Grant (2006-2008): £6,750
2006-12: from the British Academy, for research on Multiculturalism in Latin America: a Study in the Diffusion of Ideas (£85,000).
Sancak, M. Koç University; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; Academic Merit Scholarship; September 2005- June 2010; £80000
Thompson, J. B. ESRC, ‘Concentration and Innovation in the Book Publishing Industry’ (2005-2008), £47,154
Dow, K., ESRC 1+3 PhD Studentship, Social Anthropology, London School of Economics, 2005-2009.
2004, ERSC 1+3 PhD Research Studentship, University of Essex (PTA-031-2004-00143).
Scheiring, G. 2004-2005: CEU Alumni Scholarship: HUF 270,000
Scott, J. Gender Inequality Network (Genet) , ‘Gender Inequality in Production and Reproduction', 2004-2010, £3,269,323.
2003, Middlesex University (London) Cultural/Community Achievement Scholarship.
2003-2006 Leverhulme Trust Fellowship. Research project: The Impact of Migration on National Identity.
Mottier, V. Swiss National Science Foundation, Principal Investigator and Research Team Leader, ‘Social and Political Implications of Eugenic Practices’, University of Lausanne, 2002-2006, CHF978.781 (=£700.000).
Franklin, S. 01/10/02 – 01/10/07 Economic and Social Research Council, Centre for the Social and Economic Study of the New Genetics (CESAGen), Co-applicant, (£4.2m)
Franklin, S. 1 July 2002 - 15 July 2003 Wellcome Trust Biomedical Ethics programme, 'PGD Patient's Understandings of Consent to Donate Embryos to Stem Cell Research' 069699/Z/02/Z (Research Expenses, 2.5k)
Watson, P. WELLCOME TRUST project entitled: Risks, Rights, Responsibility: A Comparative Study of Occupational Health and Metal Manufacture in Poland 1949-1989. 2002-2006.
Franklin, S. 1 February 2001 – 30 August 2002 Economic and Social Research Council and Medical Research Council, ‘Definitions of Genetic Knowledge: an ethnographic study of preimplantation genetic diagnosis’ Principal Investigator, (90k)
Franklin, S. February 2001 Wellcome Trust Biomedical Ethics Programme, Symposium Grant, 'Genetic Donation as "Gift" Economy', co-organised with Richard Tutton (2.5k)
Franklin, S. May 2001 - July 2003 Leverhulme Trust Distinguished Visiting Professorship (to bring Professor Lauren Berlant to Lancaster for two three month periods, grant author and Berlant Committee Convenor, 38k)
Competitive Russian State Scholarship for the BA programme in philosophy at Lomonosov Moscow State University. 2000–2005.
Franklin, S. April 2000 School of American Advanced Seminar Grant, ‘Changing Definitions of Life and Death in the Context of Biomedicine: anthropological perspectives’, co-organised with Margaret Lock (approx USD 55k).
Yildiz, Y. Y., 2000 – 2003 Turkish Education Foundation Scholarship for BSc at Middle East Technical University
Mottier, V. Small research grants from the Fondation Chalumeau, Geneva (1999)
1999-2001 ESRC 'One Europe or Several?' Programme. Research project: Regional Identity and European Citizenship. Co-director. Award reference number L213 25 2031.
Thompson, J. B. ESRC, ‘New Technologies and Global Change in the Book Publishing Industry’ (1999-2003), £233,988
Franklin, S. (PI) ‘Life After Dolly': anthropological perspectives on cloning. Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship (1999 - 2000): £28,000
Franklin, S. 1999 Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Publication Grant, Relative Values: reconfiguring kinship studies (Duke University Press) (USD 7k).
Mottier, V. (PI) Sexual Interactions in the Context of HIV/Aids Risk in Switzerland. Swiss National Science Foundation and European Commission (1998-1999 & 2000-2002): £210,000 [link]
Watson, P. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH COUNCIL research project entitled: Lay Theories of Health Risk During Political and Economic Change in Poland, 1998.
Watson, P. ISAAC NEWTON TRUST, for research project entitled: Understanding the East-West Mortality Divide in Europe. 1997.
Watson, P. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH COUNCIL, Seminar Competition. Two Year International Seminar Series entitled: Health in Economies in Transition, 1997.
Franklin, S. 1997 Wenner Gren Foundation, International Symposium Grant, ‘The Future of Kinship: kinship theory revisited’ (Palma de Mallorca, Spain, with Susan McKinnon, approx USD 85k).
Watson, P. THE JOHN D. AND CATHERINE T. MACARTHUR FOUNDATION (Chicago, USA), 1996. Award under the Research and Writing Grant Program for Individuals. Project Title: Civil Society and the Mobilisation of Difference in Eastern Europe. 1996.
Watson, P. INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY, PRINCETON USA Project Title: Gender and Globalisation. 1994-1995.
Watson, P. NUFFIELD FOUNDATION, for research project entitled: Understanding the East-West Health Divide: Why Has Rising Mortality in Eastern Europe been Concentrated Among the Non-Married?, 1994.
Franklin, S. 1994 Wenner Gren Foundation, Conference Grant, 'What's Blood Got To Do With It?: Kinship Reconsidered' (University of California, Santa Cruz) (USD 15k).
Watson, P. BRITISH KNOW-HOW FUND, Awarded jointly to Dr Peggy Watson, University of Cambridge, and Jan Killeen, Scottish Action on Dementia, for three-day seminar on Dementia in Poland, 1992.
Watson, P. NUFFIELD FOUNDATION for research project entitled: Regulating the Supply of Illicit Drugs: How an Analysis of the Polish Drug Market can Contribute to the British Policy Debate, 1991.
Franklin, S. 1991-2 European Commission, 'Kinship and the New Genetic Technologies' (Principal Investigator, with M. Strathern) (Euros 47k).
Watson, P. BRITISH KNOW-HOW FUND Consultancy project entitled Identifying and Responding to Local Needs, 1991.
Watson, P. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH COUNCIL for research project entitled Health and Economic Change in Poland. 1991-1994.
Franklin, S. 1990-1 Economic and Social Research Council, 'The Representation of Kinship in the Context of the New Reproductive Technologies' (co-applicant with M. Strathern, PI, et al) (£67k).
Watson, P. BRITISH COUNCIL AWARD for collaborative research project between the Department of Sociology, University of Warwick and the Institute for Social Prevention and Rehabilitation, University of Warsaw. Project Title: Drug Use in Poland and Britain: the Treatment Response, 1989.
Watson, P. THE BRITISH ACADEMY, for research project entitled: Understanding Health in Eastern Europe: Mortality Differences in Nowa Huta 1974-1997. 1998-99.
Franklin, S. 1987-8 Wenner Gren Foundation, Doctoral Research Grant (USD 25k)
Franklin, S. 1986-9 British Council, Overseas Research Award (£5k fees assistance)
Dr Lane has received research grants from the British Academy and the Leverhulme Trust to research unemployment in Russia and Ukraine with collaborators in Moscow, Kharkov and Kiev. Recent grants from the British Academy have supported a network on strategic elites in the process of European Enlargement. The Centre for East European Based Language Area Studies in support of a network on Eurasia.
Franklin, S. 1984-6 New York University, Development Fellowship (USD 60k)