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Sociology Research


Julius is a PhD candidate in the Sociology Department at the University of Cambridge, where his work focuses on parliamentary meaning-making in response to, so called, migrant “crises” in Germany and on the intersection of democratic politics with populism and media logics. Julius has published book chapters and academic articles on populism in Turkey and EU-Turkey relations.

Julius supervises undergraduates in Advanced Social Theory. At the Institute of Continuing Education, Julius previously taught the module "Europe after Brexit: realpolitik or soft power?" on the course "War, peace and destruction: the international politics of global power".

Outside of his commitments at the University of Cambridge, Julius is a former visiting scholar at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) in Brussels. He has published analyses for the Middle East Institute, the Heinrich Boell Foundation and the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs. Together with Hacer Z. Gonul, Julius founded the platform, which seeks to nurture exchange between academics, publics and politicians on issues relating to migrants, minorities and marginalisation across the world. Julius is also a solicitor of the Courts of England and Wales.

Research Interests

German politics; Parliamentary meaning-making; American pragmatism; The politics of emotion; Populism


SOC 6: Advanced Social Theory: Rethinking Populism

Key Publications - Book Chapters

Lindenstrauss, G. and Rogenhofer, J., 2018. Turkey and the EU: A Tug of War Relationship, in The European Union in Turbulent Times: Challenges, Trends, and Significance for Israel. Tel Aviv, pp. 93–102.

Key Publications - Journal Articles

Rogenhofer, J. M. 2018. Antidemocratic Populism in Turkey after the July 2016 Coup Attempt, Populism, 1(2), 116-145.

Rogenhofer, J. M. 2018. 25 Jahre nach dem „Asylkompromiss" die neopragmatische Entwicklung der Menschenrechte von Asylsuchenden. MenschenRechtsMagazin (1), 28-40.

PhD Supervisor

Dr Filipe Carreira Da Silva

Media Articles

Research Groups & Affiliations


Cambridge Trust- Cambridge European Scholarship

Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German Scholarship Association)- PhD

Additional Information

Job Title:
PhD Candidate, Jesus College
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