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Sociology Research


Madita is a PhD candidate and conducts her research under the supervision of Dr. Shana Cohen. Madita holds a MSc in Foreign Service with a concentration in International Development from Georgetown University and a B.A. (Hons) in Liberal Arts and Sciences from Amsterdam University College. Prior to starting her PhD, Madita worked at the World Bank conducting analaysis on development finance instruments and perceptions of inequality and and as an advisor at the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Research Interests

Madita is interested in issues of social protection, migration and community-relations in the Middle East. Her current research focuses on the experiences of civil society organizations in delivering social services to Syrian refugees in Jordan since 2011.

PhD Supervisor


Queens’ College travel grant 2018 for field research in Jordan.

Job Title:
PhD Candidate, Queens College
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