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Sociology Research


Yukari Ota is a PhD Candidate at University of Cambridge and a member of Corpus Christi Collage. Prior to this, Yukari had over 14-years of professional experience in international peacebuilding and development with the United Nations and foreign governments. She was posted to Kosovo, Cambodia, the Solomon Islands, Afghanistan and Pakistan and worked on programme development and management in number of flagship disarmament and security sector programmes. She worked in Afghanistan between 2004 and 2010 and ran the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) programme in Mazar-i-Sharif and later worked as an advisor to senior Afghan government officials in Kabul.

Research Interests

Yukari is interested in the securitization and militarization of international aid. Her research focuses on understanding post 9/11 peacebuilding efforts in terms of the changing international assemblages of power, governance and risk they call forth. This includes critical work on the connection between development and security, and the rise of resistance to Western peacebuilding and state-building interventions.

For her PhD, she explores international aid and peacebuilding in the context of the post 9/11 war in Afghanistan, and investigates what happens when development aid is recruited for military purposes, and the implications of this for peacebuilding in practice. She analyses this phenomenon through the lens of international aid, using the macro case study of the Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Programme (APRP) and the micro study of the Commander’s Emergency Response Programme (CERP).

PhD Supervisor

Job Title:
PhD Candidate